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Interlibrary Loan Service: Obtain Books Not at UVA

If none of the UVa. libraries have the book you need in print or online, you can use the Library's free interlibrary Loan Service (ILS) to request it.

Registration for Interlibrary Loan Service
Faculty and students must first register to use the ILS service. Students and faculty in the Curry off-Grounds program should register by selecting on the "Distance Education/SCPS link on the registration form. Students taking classes on-Grounds should register by selecting the "Graduate & Undergraduate student" link. On-Grounds faculty should register by selecting the faculty link.

Borrow a book or request a PDF copy of one chapter using the Interlibrary Loan
The ILS staff can either borrow a book for you or they can ask the lending library to scan one chapter from a book. Once you login to Interlibrary Loan Service, select either "borrow an item" or Scan (PDF), fill out the form and submit it.

Students taking classes On-Grounds who use the Interlibrary Loan
After the library staff receive an interlibrary loan request from a student taking classes on-Grounds, the staff will obtain the item from another library. When the staff get the item from the loaning library, staff will email the on-Grounds student to let them know the book is available for them to pick up in the UVa library they designated as the pick-up library. There is no charge for the service.

Students and faculty in the Off-Grounds Program who use the Interlibrary Loan Service
After the library staff receives the request from a student or faculty member taking classes off-Grounds, the staff will obtain a copy of the book from another library. The UVa library staff get the book, they will mail the book to the off-Grounds requestor without charge.  Information about returning the item will be mailed with the book.  The library pays the mailing fee to the off-Grounds requestor and the requestor will need to pay the return postage.