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Finding the Text of a Recent or Unratified Treaty

Finding the text of a newly ratified or unratified treaty can be difficult, but is generally possible. Often the Senate hearings on the treaty, usually before the Committee on Foreign Relations, will contain a copy of the text of the treaty. These can be searched using
Proquest (formerly Lexis Nexis) Congressional. For example, the hearing entitled ABM Treaty and the Constitution (Y 4.F 76/2:S.Hrg.100-110) contains the complete text of the ABM treaty.

The Senate also issues what are known as "treaty documents". These are usually issued for any new treaties being considered. The treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles between the U.S. and the Soviet Union first appeared in Treaty Document 100-11 (Y 1.1/4:100-11). These are later reprinted as a separate volume of the Serial Set (Y1.1/2:). This treaty is also available in a Senate executive report on the treaty. The report (Y1.1/6:100-15) contains not only the text of the treaty, but also background information.

In summary, the texts of recent or unratified treaties can usually be found in any of the following types of Congressional publications.

Hearings before the Committees on Foreign Relations - Y 4.F 76/1: and Y4.F76/2:
Treaty Documents - Y1.1/4: (Prior to the 97th Congress - Y1.Cong./Sess.:letter (Y1.81/1:S)
Senate Executive Reports - Y1.1/6:
Serial Set - Y1.1/2: - since the 97th Congress, reprints all treaty documents.
Early Treaty Documents - Y1.Cong./Sess:letter (i.e., Y 1.89/2:S)

These Congressional publications are all indexed in Proquest (formerly Lexis Nexis) Congressional