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Spanish Studies @ UVA: Literature & Cultural Studies

Provides annotated links to scholarly resources of particular interest to students & faculty researching at UVA

UVA's Research Guide for Spanish Studies

In this Subject Guide you can locate or identify books, articles, movies, primary sources, data and other materials related to any aspect of Spanish Literature at U.Va. 

This guide -- a work in progress -- is meant to help students, faculty, and other scholars who are researching U.Va. collections. If you visit the appropriate “tab”, you will find a broad selection of print and online sources dealing with any Spanish literature topics.


If you have any suggestions or questions, contact: Miguel Valladares (U.Va. librarian for Latin American Studies & Romance Languages).


You can also consult other Subject Guides




A2. UVA library. Includes a quick-start guide for researching at UVA library.

A3. Managing Bilbiographies. Describe Citation Management Tools.

B1. Books. Include Databases & Online Catalogs to identify published books.

B2. Articles. Lists Databases (full and non-full text) where you can discover & locate articles about any aspect of Spanish Literature and Language.

B3. Dissertations & Theses. Lists sources to identify and locate PhD thesis presented anywhere about Spanish Literature and Language.

C1. Digital Libraries. Lists the most important Digital Libraries that include Full text books.

C2. Biliographies Lists the most important and basic sources to find bilbiographies compiling Spanish Literature.



Note about symbols in this research guide:
---> means that you can click and watch a short video with specific instructions.
--->means that more information is included.