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PLCP 4250: Politics of Economic Reform

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                           Keyword =  China corruption           

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  • You can further refine search results by using the limiters on the left of the search results screen. For example, clicking on "Special Collections" under "Library" will narrow your results to materials held in Special Collections.
  • Be sure you click on "Start Over" to perform a new search

Finding Journal Articles

                                                                                  Best Places to Start

Academic Search Complete A general database of articles from a variety of scholarly journals, popular magazines, and some newspapers. Includes some speeches and interviews.  Years of coverage varies according to title, but some publications are covered back to the late 19th century.

                           Search:   "health policy" AND "economic productivity"     

JSTOR  Full-text backfiles of many important scholarly journals. Coverage is usually from the first issue to 3-5 years before the present, does not include current volumes.  Advanced Search gives you more control over your results.  Select Type = Article and select the most relevant groups of journals by discipline to be searched.

CIAO: Columbia International Affairs Online  Includes working papers from research institutes, occasional papers series from NGO's, conference proceedings, current tables of contents and article abstracts from selected journals, and full text of selected books.

                          Search:   microfinance women 

PAIS  1915-present  Useful for finding journal articles, book citations, government publications, and reports issued by public and private organizations in the areas of political science and public policy.

                           Search:  "IMF loans"

                                                                        Additional Sources

EconLit - 1969-present  International coverage of economics in journal articles, books, dissertations, book reviews.

                           Search:   "free trade" "economic development" "Latin America"

Fuente Academica Scholarly journal articles from Latin America, Portugal and Spain.  Covers most subjects, but gives special emphasis on economics, history, law, philosophy, public administration, religion and sociology.  Has the same search interface as Academic Search Complete.

                           Search:   "economic reform"  AND  Brazil                                   

Web of Knowledge/Web of Science Includes Science Citation Index (1970-), Social Sciences Citation Index (1981-), and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1981-).  Daily updates makes it a good source for recent articles.  Citations include how many times a specific article has been cited by others.

                           Search:   "foreign aid" (Topic)  AND  "economic development" (Topic)           

Finding Newspaper Articles

                                                                                        Best Places to Start

Factiva   Articles from over 6,000 worldwide newspapers and periodicals,  plus company and business information from Dow Jones. Select "News pages" to browse daily issues of recent newspapers from many countries; use "Search" to find older articles.

                           Search:  Kazakhstan and economic development and (and under "Subjects" click on "Economic News")                                  

LexisNexis Academic  offers access to a variety of news sources, including newspapers, magazines, television and radio broadcast transcripts, etc.  Years of coverage varies by title, usually with nothing prior to the early 1980's.

                           Search the News:  "South Africa" labor

                           Country Information:   select a country and check Business Monitor International, PRS Risk Guide

                                                                                Additional Source

World News Connection   Information from thousands of foreign media sources: speeches, radio, television, newspapers, periodicals, and books. Includes unclassified military, political, environmental, sociological, scientific and technical data. All translated into English.

                           Simple Search  Search Entire Article:  free trade   

                           Headline & Lead Paragraph: Indonesia  

                           Publication Date: 2012


                                                                                            Best Places to Start

IMF World Economic Outlook Database Use this database to find data on national accounts, inflation, unemployment rates, balance of payments, fiscal indicators, trade for countries and country groups (aggregates), and commodity prices whose data are reported by the IMF.

World Development Indicators  is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates.

IMF International Financial Statistics Thousands of time series covering more than 200 countries and areas. Includes all series appearing on the IFS Country Pages; exchange rate series; major Fund accounts series; and most other world, area, and country series from the IFS World Tables. To download data from this part of the website you will need to set up a free personal account.

UNCTAD Statistics The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development compiles a wide range of data collected from national and international sources. Most of the time series cover long periods, with some dating back to 1948, for almost all economies of the world. They are useful for analysis of international trade, economic trends, foreign direct investment, population and labor force, etc. Information in tables is frequently arranged by regional divisions such as Eastern Africa, Central America, etc.  Clicking on a regional division will take you to data about individual nations within the division.

                                                                                  Additional Sources

International Monetary Fund Click on the "Data and Statistics" tab to find global financial data and IMF financial data (such as lending).

World DataBank provides access to collections of time series data on a variety of topics, including development, education, gender, health, poverty, etc.  

UNdata More than 450 statistical time series for countries around the world covering a wide range of economic and sociodemographic topics.

NationMaster A large central data source that allows you to find statistical data by topic, or to compare data between nations. Data compiled from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, the United Nations, and the OECD.

ProQuest Statistical Insight Statistical Information of all kinds, current and historical, U.S. and international.