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Administrative Decisions

This page is not an attempt to link to Federal Register or the Code of Federal Regulations information for each federal agency. It links to other administrative actions which are outside the scope of the CFR or the FR. What is available via the Internet varies from agency to agency. See also for regulatory materials.

Because Electronic FOIA Reading Rooms often contain administrative information this page links to the primary E-FOIA Reading Room for each agency covered.

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Agriculture Department

Commerce Department

Commodity Futures - Consumer Product

Defense Department

Education Department

Education Department


Energy Department


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Export-Import Bank of the United States

Farm Credit Administration

Farm Credit Administration

Federal Communications Commission

Federal Communications Commission

Federal Deposit Insurance Program

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Federal Elections Commission

Federal Election Commission

Federal Labor Relations Authority

Federal Maritime Commission

Federal Maritime Commission

Federal Mine Safety

Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission

Federal Register

Federal Trade Commission

Federal Trade Commission

Homeland Security

Homeland Security Department

Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Housing and Urban Development Department

Interior Department

International Trade Commission

International Trade Commission

Justice Department

Justice Department

Labor Department

Labor Department


Merit Systems Protection Board


National Credit Union Administration

National Labor Relations Board

National Security Agency

National Transportation Safety Board

  • Office of the General Counsel
    Office of Administrative Law Judges
  • NTSB Case Decisions Database
    The final decisions, Opinions & Orders, of the National Transportation Safety Board with regard to an airman, mechanic or mariner's appeal of action on his or her certificate are found in National Transportation Safety Board Decisions. A searchable index is available on-line; complete text for decisions issued since mid-1992 is also available in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Electronic Reading Room General NRC information and guidance materials. ADAMS - Agency Documents Access Management System
All NRC documents are indexed and stored in ADAMS, older documents may only have citations available online. Boards orders and issuances are entered only into the ADAMS database, and users can search for them using search criteria such as subject, document date and docket number.
NRC documents which pre-date the electronic database, ie, before Nov 1999 are generally not available online. The bibliographic citations are in the ADAMS Legacy Library, but the older documents are stored on microfiche.
[Paper - Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances : opinions and decisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission with selected orders - Y 3.N 88:11/


Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission

  • Decisions
    Both Administrative Law Judges and Commission Decisions back to 1993.

Office of Government Ethics

Office of Management & Budget

Office of Personnel Management

Peace Corps

  • Documents
    Includes Opinions, Policy Statements, and Staff Manuals

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Postal Regulatory Commission

Postal Service

Railroad Retirement Board

  • FOIA
  • Board Coverage Decisions
    "Board Coverage Decisions are the determinations of the three member Railroad Retirement Board as to the status of various companies or persons with respect to coverage as employers or employees under the RailroadRetirement and Railroad Unemployment Insurance Acts."


Securitites & Exchange Commission


Selective Service System

Small Business Administration

Social Security Administration

  • FOIA
  • Social Security Rulings and Acquiscence Rulings
    This Index reflects all Rulings published in Rulings currently in effect.
    [Paper - Rulings. Cumulative edition : Social Security
    rulings on federal old-age, survivors, disability, supplemental security income, and black lung benefits. HE 3.44/2:1960-1995

State Department



Tennessee Valley Authority

Transportation Department

  • Federal Transit Administration

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Office of General Counsel
Office of Inspector General

Surface Transportation Board


Treasury Department



Veterans Affairs