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Model United Nations


AccessUN  (use link below)
Find citations to UN documents through AccessUN, then locate the documents in Shannon Library's print and microfiche UN collections. TIP: When searching for speeches change the FIELD for the first search line to AUTHOR and leave the second line as ALL FIELDS. This will allow you to search for your country as the author of a speech or letter.


AUTHOR: iraq
ALL FIELDS: human rights

Document NumberTitle
A/C.4/49/SR.28Summary of the 28th meeting 49th
A/48/PV.8585th Plenary Meeting
S/PV.23452345th meeting.

(SR and PV in a Document number indicate speeches)

U. N. Documents in Print & Microfiche

  • UN Official Records
    Paper texts of speeches (SRs & PVs), resolutions, letters to the UN, reports, etc.
    UN BodyUN Document NumberLocation
    A/ = General AssemblyA/sess./PV = full text of a speech
    S/ = Security CouncilS/PV = full text of a speech

  • UN Microfiche
    Texts of pretty much everything the UN has ever issued from 1946 to the present. Includes documents indexed on the UN Documents Index. Filed by document number
  • UN Yearbook
    See also online volumes 1946-2005

    Call Number UNOPI 1/YE 3/ year 
    Year by year account of what goes on the the UN. Good references to other UN materials like speeches, letters, and reports

Other Sources

  • FBIS (Foreign Broadcast Information Service)
    Indexes, by region of the world, media accounts of events - newspapers, TV, radio.
    Coverage 1977 - 1996 

    Example of results list:

    Jul 25 96EEU018Croatia:Fairness in Bosnia
    Jul 22 96EEU021B-H:Ganic: No Health Peace
    Jul 9 96EEU041Croatia: Opposition questions 

    You need the date, region, and page in order to locate a FBIS report.

    Locate FBIS reports as follows:
    1947-1973 - Microfilm
    1974-1996 - Microfiche - Call No. PREX 7.10:[FBIS-region-year-number]
    World News Connection