Print guides available for most titles listed below. Ask at Shannon Circulation Desk on the fourth floor.
British and Continental Rhetoric and Elocution ,Micfilm S-236
Title | Holdings | Call No. |
Early English Books, 1641-1700. (Wing, Short Title Catalogue, 1641-1700) See also online version, Early English Books Onlin |
2046 reels | Micfilm S-9 |
Early English Newspapers (1622 to 189- ) Based on collections of 17th and 18th Century newspapers of Dr. Charles Burney and John Nichols. Expanded to include 19th century papers as well. See also the full-text database 17th-18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers Please note: Long-run newspapers are on reels that are identified by the newspaper’s title. Shorter-run newspapers are grouped together. The print and online guides identify the reel on which a particular title may be found by the first title on the reel. (e.g. English Post. On Multiple-title reel: Englishman). Much of the 17th-century material and miscellaneous issues of numerous titles from other years are on 6 reels of microfilm, labeled A-F. The print and online guides indicate on which miscellaneous reel a title is located (e.g. English Gazette. On Miscellaneous Reel A) |
Micfilm N-GB 9 For detailed reel guide, see GRAY LOOSELEAF BINDER labeled N-GB-9, in Microforms Guides Area. An online guide with less specific reel/date information is here. From the Collection Title drop-down menu select Early English Newspapers. - Under Additional Search Options enter newspaper title in Item Title box. - Under Additional Search Options specify date range, if desired. - Scroll down to bottom of page and click Search. |
Early Science Fiction Novels; A Microfiche Collection | 382 fiche | Micfich 1655 |
Eighteenth Century |
Materials in all languages printed in England, and English language materials printed world-wide from 1701 to 1800. |
Micfilm S-976
English Literary Periodicals Series 17th, 18th and 19th century literary, political, religious and women's publications. |
Micfilm S-83 | |
English Plays, 1641-1700 | 136 reels | Micfilm S-115 |
Flugschriftensammlung Gustav Freytag: Vollstandige Wiedergabe der 6265 Flugschriften Aus dem 15 bis 17 Jahrhundert Sowie des Katalogs von Paul Hohenemser | 746 fiche | Micfich 1064 |
Flugschriften des frühen 16. Jahrhunderts (1501-1530) Includes some 5000 broadsheets and pamphlets in German and Latin printed between 1501 and 1530. |
1631 fiche | Microfiche S-178 Note:Continued by Flugschriften des späteren 16. Jahrhunderts, Microfiche 2443 |
Flugschriften des späteren 16. Jahrhunderts |
4026 fiche |
Microfiche 2443 Note: Fiche are shelved with indexes on Microforms Guides shelves |
French Books Before 1601 | 140 reels | Micfilm S-22 |
German and Austrian Drama (Houghton Library) | 113 reels | Micfilm 1542 |
German Baroque Literature: Republished works of the 17th century -- including Baroque Americana (early German translations of New England writers and American publications of German works of this period.) |
611 reels, Micfilm 1710 Search online reel guide. From the Collection Title drop-down menu, select Harold Jantz Collection of German Baroque Literature. Under Additional Search Options enter search term and/or date range. Scroll down to bottom of page and click Search. |
Gesamtverzeichnis des Deutschsprachigen Schrifttums, 1911-1965 | 400 fiche | Micfich 1399 |
Title | Holdings | Call No. |
Gothic Fiction: Rare Printed Works from the Sadleir-Black Collection of Gothic Fiction at the Shannon Library, University of Virginia. | 134 reels | Micfilm 7381 No separate index |
Journal des Savants | Library has: 1816-1962 | Micfilm S-334 |
Journal Des Scavans (Jan. 1665 - Oct. 1797) | 101 reels | Micfilm S-333 |
Manuscripta; Microfilms of Rare and Out-of-Print Books | Library has: list 5, 1-72 (12 reels); list 8, 1-71 (12 reels) | Micfilm S-67 |
Microfiche Editions of Book Prospectuses in the Bodleian Library | 27 fiche | Micfich 2465 |
Microfilm Corpus of the Indexes to Printed Catalogues of Latin Manuscripts Before 1600 A.D. | 39 reels | Micfilm 1442 |
Nineteenth Century British and colonial literature on many subjects. Excluded : imaginative literature, periodicals, and textbooks. | Library has: part 1, unit 1-36; part 3, unit 1-5; part 5, unit 1-6. | Micfich 1810 Search online index and reel guide here. General and by topic search options available. |
Prados Manuscripts (Emilio Prados) | 11 reels | Micfilm 1666 |
Records of the Worshipful Company of Stationers, 1554-1984 "... includes: the 19th century volumes of the Entry Book of Copies... ; the Company's grants and charters as well as their early bequest and pension lists; the only known set of folio printed livery lists and ...and biographical information of the printing and publishing community covering the period from the 16th century to 1920..." |
115 reels, Micfilm 1604 See how to use print guide, located in the Microforms Guides section. |
Repertoire Biobibliographique des Auteurs Latins, Patristiques et Medievaux | 492 fiche | Micfich 2006 |
Repertoire des Fins de Textes Latins Classiques et Medievaux | 223 fiche | Micfich 2005 |
Title | Holdings | Call No. |
Spanish Rare Books of the Golden Age Coverage: from medieval Latin works by Spanish authors to texts in Spanish of the 15-16th centuries. Many emblem books are included. This set is based on The Spanish Golden Age (1472-1700), A Catalog of Rare Books... by Joseph L. Laurenti and Alberto Porqueras-Mayo. |
Library has reels 1-204 Micfilm 1717 | |
Le Théâtre de la Révolution et de L'Empire | 167 fiche | Micfich 358 |