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EHD Admissions Writing Sample Support (M.Ed.)

Guide to help locate scholarly resources for graduate admissions writing samples in the UVA School of Education and Human Development

Welcome to the M.Ed Admissions Writing Sample Support Page! We are so excited that you are applying to the UVA School of Education and Human Development. Our School's programs are ranked among the top in the country. We are a diverse community of educators, counselors, policymakers, administrators, clinicians, and researchers. Our faculty and staff are here to support you during the application process. This guide is designed to help you locate scholarly resources for your writing sample.

Popular FAQs

I haven't done research in a long time. Please help me!

Missing the good old days of print books and library card catalogs? You're not alone if you haven't done research in a long time or you have never done university-level research online. Schedule a 1-1 chat with the School of Education and Human Development Librarian, Ashley Hosbach, by clicking the "Email Me" button in the Librarian box on this page. The "Schedule a Research Chat" button is for current students only and requires UVA authentication to access.

What is peer reviewed research?

Peer-reviewed articles are written, and then reviewed, by experts in their fields. The peer-review process is designed to "weed out" scholarship that is poorly designed and not methodologically sound. Think of peer-review as a "quality control" check.

How do I locate peer reviewed research?

Peer-reviewed research can be found in academic research databases and online academic publisher platforms. Click on the "Help Me Find Articles" tab to see our suggested databases, resources, and tutorials. You may not be currently affiliated with a college or university, and that's okay! This guide directs you to platforms available for free to everyone.

Can you give me UVA Library access to your databases/content?

Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot provide digital UVA Library access to non-affiliated individuals. This guide helps fill in this access gap and links you to scholarly sources that are freely available to all (known as open access).