Welcome to UVA Library’s Guide about the 2022 OSTP Public Access Memo! This guide describes the recent OSTP Memo, how it will impact researchers at UVA, and how you can find help meeting the new requirements.
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The OSTP Public Access Memo (also known as the Nelson Memo, but formally entitled Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research) was released in August 2022 by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) under the direction of Dr. Alondra Nelson. The memo guides all federal agencies to develop plans indicating how they will provide public access to the results of federally funded research. This memo is a successor to the 2013 OSTP memo Expanding Public Access to the Results of Federally Funded Research (also known as the Holdren Memo).
The 2022 Public Access Memo provides policy guidance to federal agencies on ensuring availability of federally funded research materials, including data and research results, to the public, free of charge and without an embargo period. The Nelson Memo applies to ALL federal agencies (regardless of research budget or field of study), it includes both peer reviewed publications and their underlying data, and the ultimate goal is to provide free, immediate access to research.
From: VIVA: https://vivalib.org/va/external/VRL/OSTP
For more details see the Timeline section.
Adapted from https://lib.asu.edu/news/research/3-takeaways-2022-white-house-office-science-and-technology-policy