OpenIntro Statistics is an introductory statistics textbook. Its core derives from the classic notions of statistics education and is extended by recent innovations. The textbook meets high quality standards and has been used at Princeton, Vanderbilt, UMass Amherst, and many other schools. Includes labs, exercises, selected student solutions, videos, slides and computing code (R, Python, SAS, and Stata)
Introductory Statistics follows the scope and sequence of a traditional one-semester statistics course. It is geared toward students majoring in fields other than math or engineering and uses TI-83/84 calculators (rather than a statistical computing platform) to demonstrate applied statistical methods. This text assumes students have been exposed to intermediate algebra, and it focuses on the applications of statistical knowledge rather than the theory behind it. Includes labs, exercises, selected student solutions, and slides.
Online Statistics Education: A Multimedia Course of Study
This web site contains introductory statistical topics presented in textbook format and as video presentations. Features include interactive demonstrations and simulations, case studies, and an analysis lab. Includes exercises, selected solutions, and videos.
The UVA Library offers free training on data analysis, statistics, and computation every fall and spring.
The HSL Library provides free training to the UVA medical community: