public access: “free to read and download” (term used by federal government)
open access: “free to read, download, and reuse without functional restriction”
This article from the Scholarly Kitchen helps break down the distinction.
NASEM = National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
HELIOS = Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship – initiative based on NASEM Roundtable’s Toolkit for Fostering Open Science Practices (UVA Library is a member)
ESIP = Earth Science Information Partners
PLOS = Public Library of Science
“Manuscript” : not literally handwritten; rather, original version of a work before submission for publication
Preprint = manuscript as submitted for publication, before peer review
AAM (“author’s accepted manuscript”) : peer-reviewed but not formatted; also called post-print (edited, value-added)
“Version of record” = final version as typeset, paginated, formatted by publisher
Glossary from the libguide "Exploring Open Scholarship”