1. Review the main UVa library web page - how to get help through library contacts, VIRGO, find Databases, do Interlibrary requests, and connect off-grounds
2. Searching pattern - A. Search B. Refine search C Examine and look around D Select and F Save, Email, and / or Print.
3. Go to VIRGO and search for some items, also use Advanced search briefly. Search the Catalog only first, then Articles. Search a term, view left hand column, click on one title, view further information on left column. See how to save, email, star, print an item. What to do if checked out?
4. Go to Databases - look at
A) Anthropology Plus A very complete database, citations only, no full text. (I'll alone have to search it, since we have restricted number of simultaneous users)
B) Academic Search Complete Borad covereage of English language sources, with recent years often in full-text
C) JSTOR A good scholarly source, with coverage up until about 4-5 years ago.
D) Bibliography of Asian Studies Citations of articles on Asian topics
E) Lexis Nexis (Full text newspapers) and
F) WorldCat (books)
G) point to HRAF Great coverage for over 200 selected cultures around the world, often with 4-5 full-text bibliography.
H) Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts Search for journal articles on all aspects of the nature and use of language
I) Bibliography of Native North Americans 1500-present List of books and other publications about the native peoples of North America
5. Look at RefWorks and explain it
6. Go to Shannon Library stacks to look at books. See Call Number Locations
7. Suggested keywords to search:
8. Some suggested titles: World Atlas of Language Structures Online ; Ethnologue, Languages of the World; Speech Accent Archive; "Atlas of the World's Languages in danger of Disappearing" edited by Stephen A. Wurm (1996); "Language Death" by David Crystal (2000), and the 65 minute DVD "The Linguists" (2008)
9. Some call numbers: PC4100s Spanish; PL900s Korean; P40.5 for endangered languages; Twi PL8751; PL3600s; Hindi PK1930s.
10. Evaluation.
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Created on ... 18 September 2012 by Philip McEldowney