A database and bibliography of 14,000 short biographies of historical women printed in 1270 English-language books, primarily 1830-1940. Explore trends in versions of women's lives and the social networks formed by biographical collections.
Biographies of influential educators; profiles of historic colleges and universities; profiles of organizations; and a collection of documents including education related legislation, international treaties and testing methods. Coverage is international.
The Third Edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam is an entirely new and still unfinished work. It aims to provide short, up-to-date and accessible articles on many topics which are either not covered in EI2, or for which the EI2 articles are outdated. The new scope includes comprehensive coverage of Islam in the twentieth century and of Muslim minorities all over the world. EI3 does not replace EI2, which is more detailed and still authoritative; rather, the two should be used together.
Find up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on nearly 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world.
Comprehensive music encyclopedia, with coverage of music history, theory and practice, musical terminology, and biographies. Includes works lists, musical examples, and link to online recordings.