Digitalia Hispanica is a database of e-books and e-journals in Spanish with access to some of the most renowned publishers in Spain and Latin America. The database holds more than 20.000 e-books and e-journals (January 2016), including new and backlist titles in a wide range of subjects within the Humanities and the Social Sciences. While the database is multidisciplinary, you will find scholarly resources in Religion, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Anthropology, and more. Individual titles are also included in Virgo.
Electronic books by university presses and other scholarly publishers, as well as a collection of older titles by major authors. Individual titles are listed in Virgo.
HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hispanic World
El Repositorio Digital de CLACSO ofrece acceso libre y gratuito a producción de los 611 centros asociados de CLACSO en 47 países. Es un servicio de CLACSO con la participación del los grupos publicaciones, biblioteca y multimedia de los centros asociados de CLACSO. Actualmente, pueden acceder a más de 100.000 textos completos de artículos, documentos de trabajo, libros y ponencias publicados por la red CLACSO.
Besides books, the Biblioteca Digital Hispanica offers digital access to collections held in the National Library of Spain, including manuscripts, books; maps; sounds, and photos from the fifteenth century onward..
Collections of interest comprise the exhibition on the War of Independence in 1808 as well as the Colección Hispanoamérica. The map collection also includes several British printed early maps of the Caribbean, North and South America.
La Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio Bibliográfico ofrece actualmente (marzo de 2019), en acceso abierto y gratuito, unos 24.000 libros impresos antiguos, 2.500 manuscritos, 5.000 materiales cartográficos (atlas y mapas), 85.000 materiales gráficos y fotográficos, y 200 partituras, entre otros.
El proyecto es el fruto de la cooperación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte y las Comunidades con las comunidades autónomas y otras administraciones e instituciones públicas o privadas. Los fondos digitalizados provienen de bibliotecas, archivos y museos, de comunidades autónomas, ministerios, ayuntamientos, ateneos, fundaciones, universidades, instituciones privadas, reales academias, particulares, etc.
The Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes is a large-scale digital library project, hosted and maintained by the University of Alicante in Alicante, Spain. It comprises the largest open-access repository of digitized Spanish-language historical texts and literature from the Ibero-American world. When officially launched in 1999 the BVMC was the first digital archive of Spanish-language texts on the internet, initially reproducing some 2,000 individual works by 400 of the most significant authors in Spanish and Latin American literary history. By 2005–2006 the number of registered and available works had reached over 22,000.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ General including relevant material to the Hispanic World
OAPEN promotes and supports the transition to open access for academic books by providing open infrastructure services to stakeholders in scholarly communication. We work with publishers to build a quality-controlled collection of open access books and provide services for publishers, libraries, and research funders in the areas of hosting, deposit, quality assurance, dissemination, and digital preservation.
Search the books, magazines, and journals Google has scanned from libraries and publishers.Choose "About this book" for abstract, table of contents, and books and articles related to the book.
Multi-lingual online collection of digitized items from European museums, libraries, archives and multi-media collections, with procedures for content providers.
Munich Digitization Center (MDZ) handles the digitization and online publication of the cultural heritage preserved by the Bavarian State Library and by other institutions. It provides one of the largest and fastest growing digital collections in Germany, now comprising more than 900,000 titles available online. Access is free of charge!
DigiVatLib is a digital library service. It provides free access to the Vatican Library’s digitized collections: manuscripts, incunabula, archival materials and inventories as well as graphic materials, coins and medals, printed materials (special projects).
DigiVatLib is based on the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) technology, making digital materials easily accessible and usable.
DigiVatLib provides the following facilities:
- Display functions: The viewer is able to zoom, browse and ‘turn pages’ of JPEG2000 images as well as allow scholars to compare digital objects from different IIIF repositories of other digital libraries.
- Search and discovery collections: Descriptions and bibliographic references from the online catalogues are indexed and linked to digital materials. The guided navigation (‘faceted search’) leverages metadata elements for narrowing or refining queries.
An enhancement of search functions is scheduled for the next release.
- Digital galleries: Selected Manuscripts – a selection of digitized materials from the most significant manuscripts.
Latest Digitized Manuscripts – a gallery of the latest 20 digitized codices.
- News: Information and current events concerning the digitization project of the Vatican Library.
Sabin reaches into all aspects of American history and culture. It touches upon the political and religious life in North America and at times South America and the Caribbean. It features American and European views of the colonization of the Americas, the American Revolution, the days of the early Republic and Jacksonian period, the antebellum period, Civil War, era of Reconstruction and post-Reconstruction, the settlement of the West and the onset of the Gilded Age. Through published pamphlets, tracts, memoirs, congressional legislation, correspondence, broadsides, biographies, histories, fiction and poetry, eulogies, sermons and innumerable other genres, Sabin opens a window onto the Americas.
A global digitization and publishing program focusing on primary source collections of the long 19th century. Content consists of monographs, newspapers, manuscripts, pamphlets, ephemera, maps, photographs, statistics, etc. in both Western and non-Western languages. Include 4 modules: Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange; British Politics and Society; British Theatre, Music, and Literature: High and Popular Culture; European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection.
Searchable full text and page images for books, almanacs, broadsides, magazines, pamphlets, etc in any language from the British Isles and North America, and in English from the rest of the world. See also Early American Imprints.
Every significant work published in English from 1475 to 1700. Searchable text and page images of books, pamphlets, prayer books, proclamations, almanacs, calendars,etc. in all subjects
institution provides access to:
UVA has access:
a) all four EEBO collections: 1. STC, 2.Wing, 3.The Thomason Tracts and 4. the Tract Supplement.
b). EEBO-TCP Phase I
c) EEBO-TCP Phase II
Consult more information in: In Proquest and/or Chadwyck-Healey
Searchable full text with page images of books published in 17th- and 18th-century America. Browsable by genre, subject, author, printer, place of publication, and language. See also Early English Books Online and Eighteenth Century Collections Online.
Searchable full text with page images of books published in early 19th-century America. The collection can also be browsed by genre, subject, author, printer, place of publication, and language.
El Proyecto Biblioteca Digital Andina es impulsado por la Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina, con la participación de doce instituciones de la subregión andina - bibliotecas nacionales y de las universidades estatales y privadas- y el apoyo del Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, y consiste en una biblioteca digital que está físicamente alojada en los equipos centrales de la Secretaría General de la Comunidad Andina (Lima, Perú)
La Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales CLACSO, repositorio digital, ofrece acceso libre a más de 100.000 textos de la red CLACSO. El portal CLACSO-REDALYC ofrece acceso abierto e indicadores de 850 revistas de ciencias sociales y humanidades de Iberoamérica (350.721 artículos). Esta colección recibe más de 4 millones de descargas por mes.
El Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) es una institución internacional no-gubernamental, creada en 1967 y que mantiene relaciones formales de consulta con la UNESCO. Nuclea un gran número de centros de investigación y programas de docencia de grado y posgrado en Ciencias Sociales.
Es un servicio de CLACSO con la participación del los grupos publicaciones, biblioteca y multimedia de los centros miembros de CLACSO.
You should use Virgo to find the call number of the book you are trying to find. If UVA libraries does not have a copy of the book you are trying to find, you can use the Interlibrary loan services to borrow a copy from another library.