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Latin American & Iberian Studies

Provides annotated links to scholarly resources of particular interest to students & faculty researching at U.Va.

Film Studies

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Streaming, DVD and Video Collection at UVA


The library has over 50,000 videos on DVD, VHS, and LaserDisc and more than 25,000 streaming videos online. The collection is about 65% feature films and 35% documentaries. UVA provide access to more that 4,000 movies and documentaries produced in the Americas and Europe relevant to the Spanish, Portuguese and other geographically related communities.

Search for DVD or videos in VIRGO (library's online catalog) limiting by format, language, or any other parameter. Here you will have some examples:


You can obtain more information about UVA streaming services and collections by visiting the Video and Media Resources LibGuide or by contacting the UVA Video Collections Librarian Leigh Rockey

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Video Streaming Databases