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Latin American & Iberian Studies

Provides annotated links to scholarly resources of particular interest to students & faculty researching at U.Va.

Hispanic Heritage Month 2022

Selection of books done by Amy J. Hunsaker (wph9ve) born in North Carolina


Gabriel García Márquez  FOREVER!!

First edition
El amor en los tiempos del cólera

Barcelona : Bruguera, 1985. 502 pages. ISBN: 9780840210630
UVA library:
Clemons PQ8180.17 .A73 A7 1985


First English edition:
Love in the Time of Cholera; translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman.

New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1988. 388 pages. ISBN: 9780394561615
UVA library: Clemons and Ivy 3 copies: PQ8180.17 .A73 A813 1988
Electronic Copy: Internet Archive


Hardcover Love in the Time of Cholera Book

Other edition in English

Love in the Time of Cholera; translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman.
New York : Penguin Books, 1989. 348 pages. ISBN: 9780140119909
UVA library: Clemons: PQ8180.17 .A73 A813 1989
Electronic Copy: Internet Archive

Other editions in Spanish

El amor en los tiempos del cólera. Barcelona: Mondadori. 498 pages. 2nd ed.
Clemons: PQ8180.17 .A73 A8 1999bx

El amor en los tiempos del cólera. New York: Vintage Books. 461 pages.
Clemons: PQ8180.17 .A73 A8 2003

El amor en los tiempos del cólera. B arcelona: Literatura Random House. 493 pages.
Clemons: PQ8180.17 .A73 A8 2014

کتاب عشق سال‌هاي وبايي اثر سيروس شميسا - ميترا/انتشارات آگاه

Other special editions: The first Persian language edition.

عشق سال‌هاى وبايى = Love in the time of cholera 

ناشر: ميترا
نويسنده: سيروس شميسا
قطع: رقعي
نوع جلد: شوميز
زبان: فارسي
تعداد صفحات: 120
سال انتشار: 1397
نوبت چاپ: 1
وزن: 150

شابک: 9789648417760

Clemons: PQ8180.17 .A73 A8168 2018


Other editions: The first French edition

L'amour aux temps du cholera : roman; trad. de l'espagnol par Annie Morvan.
Paris : B. Grasset, 1987. 378 pages  Electronic Copy: Internet Archive

En este pueblo no hay ladrones

Another very special book from Garcia Marquez in our collection

En Este Pueblo No Hay Ladrones
Bogota, Colombia: Ediciones Arte Dos Gráfico, 1993
1 portfolio (55 pages) : 12 illustrations Saturnino Ramírez L., grabados originales.

Text, on odd numbered pages only, printed on 15 folios, with 12 original copper
etchings on loose sheets inserted with protective tissue. Title folio has embossed ill.
Issued in leather portfolio. Limited ed. of 100 numbered copies signed
by the author and artist. Our copy is No. 72 of a limited edition of 100
Fine Arts Folio PQ8180.17.A73 E5 1993

The library received this artistic book by two hands (García Márquez and Saturnino
a few days after Garcia Marquez's death (April 14, 2014) to include
it in the tribute that UVA students and faculty did at the Lawn in his honor
April 22, 2014

Hispanic Heritage Month 2022

Selection of books done by Carlos Velazco Fernandez (bey6yh) born in Cuba

"The Tempest meets the telenovela". A Winner of the Grand Prize of the Association of Caribbean Writers. Rita Indiana, Dominican writer and leader of the merengue band Rita Indiana y los misterios.

Cover Art











Tentacle: Indiana, Rita, Obejas, Achy: 9781911508342: Books

La mucama de Omicunlé de Rita Indiana. Caceres: Editorial Periférica, 2015. ISBN: 9788416291083 . 181 pages
Clemons Library: PQ7409.2.H355 M87 2015

"Esta apabullante novela, que supone la consagración de Rita Indiana como narradora, tiene tantas capas de lectura y tantos giros fascinantes que rehúye toda síntesis, todo encorsetamiento. Es más, sólo cabe una invitación entusiasta a la lectura por parte de los editores. Aunque para los que prefieran algunas claves, he aquí un resumen: la historia arranca en el apartamento de la santera y asesora del Presidente dominicano Esther Escudero, llamada también Omicunlé desde que, en un rito afrocubano, se convirtiese en servidora de la diosa del mar Yemayá. Su joven mucama, Alcide Figueroa, a la que Esther ha apartado de la prostitución gracias a la colaboración de otro personaje fundamental, Eric Vitier, está a punto de vivir una historia de pasados, presentes y futuros vertiginosa y, por momentos, aparentemente imposible más allá del relato. Las deidades afroantillanas que habitan el mar Caribe, la música tradicional y la música electrónica, el sexo en todas sus formas (incluso el cambio de sexo), los bucaneros del siglo XVII o los grabados de Goya son otros de los cimientos sobre los que se alza este texto lleno de intrigas y deseos, lleno de aristas y de falsas certezas. Lleno también de tramas y subtramas; de esos intereses políticos, es decir, públicos, que suelen pasar por muchas novelas del presente de un modo inane. Pocas ficciones hay que nos hablen del arte contemporáneo con tanta precisión como La mucama de Omicunlé, pocas también que nos hablen así sobre la contaminación de los mares y océanos; por citar dos de los asuntos que Indiana aborda aquí. Pero en todo momento con una sutileza que rehúye el adoctrinamiento o el cinismo postmodernos para nunca alejarse de lo que es simple y puramente necesidad y vida. Ya lo decíamos al principio: apabullante"-

Tentacle.   Rita Indiana ; translated by Achy Obejas. Sheffield [UK] ; And Other Stories, 2018. ISBN: 9781911508342. 132 pages.

"Plucked from her life on the streets of post-apocalyptic Santo Domingo, young maid Acilde Figueroa finds herself at the heart of a Santeria prophecy: only she can travel back in time and save the ocean and humanity from disaster. But first she must become the man she always was with the help of a sacred anemone. Tentacle is an electric novel with a big appetite and a brave vision, plunging headfirst into questions of climate change, technology, Yoruba ritual, queer politics, poverty, sex, colonialism and contemporary art. Bursting with punk energy and lyricism, its a restless, addictive trip: The Tempest meets the telenovela." Backcover



The other two books are poetic since poetry is the water of the soul. Besides, these books are close to our university, since the first one was written by a guest professor at our university last year and the second one is written by another professor who currently teaches at our university

portada Adios a Lenin. Antología poética

Adiós a Lenin: antología poética de Federico Díaz-Granados. Bogotá : Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2017. ISBN: 9789587811186. 118 pages.

Clemons Library: PQ8180.14.I197 A6 2017

Electronic copy: Digitalia Publishing


En última instancia, solo la palabra poética es capaz de evocar el paraíso perdido de la infancia, la familia, los amores, el cuerpo deseado, la añorada plenitud. Sí, evocarlos, pero solo en fragmentos y retazos, en sus huellas y ausencias, en su “breve tránsito por la palabra” (“Estación”). De ahí precisamente la trágica hermosura de la poesía de Federico Díaz Granados.

No English translation available

Cover Art

America by Fernando Valverde ; translated and with an introduction by Carolyn Forché (Bilingual edition: Parallel Spanish text and English translation) Port Townsend, Washington : Copper Canyon Press, 2021. xx, 171 pages. ISBN: 9781556596223
Clemons Library: PQ6722 .A58 A8313 2021

"In Fernando Valverde's América, "sorrow is ancient." Mournfully lyrical, politically sharp, with a sweeping view of American roots, dysfunctions, and ideals--as if from above, and yet also from within--this is a book that deconstructs the legacy of empire. From the Mississippi River to Fulton Avenue, from slavery to "lone wolf" shooters, Valverde grieves but does not wince away from all that is lost to greed and a culture of violence, painting an urgent portrait of "the thirst of America / a smile satisfied to death." Valverde is widely regarded as one of the most important younger Spanish-language poets. Here his vibrant voice and convictions are translated and introduced by Carolyn Forché, herself a world-renowned poet of witness"-- From publisher



Hispanic Heritage Month 2022

Selection of books done by Mirabal, Elizabeth (adw5eg) born also in Cuba


El infinito en un junco: la invención de loss libros en el mundo antiguo,
de Irene Vallejo. Madrid : Siruela, 2019, 449 pages  ISBN: 9788417860790
Clemons Library Z5 .V34 2021

English translation. Recently published.  Available September 22, 2022

Papyrus : the invention of books in the ancient world. Irene Vallejo ; translated from the Spanish by Charlotte Whittle. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2022 ISBN 9780593318898.

  "Papyrus is an enthralling journey through the history of books and libraries in the ancient world and those who have helped preserve their rich literary traditions. Long before books were mass-produced, those made of reeds from along the Nile were worth fighting and dying for. Journeying along the battlefields of Alexander the Great, beneath the eruptions of Mount Vesuvius, at Cleopatra's palaces and the scene of Hypatia's murder, award-winning author Irene Vallejo chronicles the excitement of literary culture in the ancient world, and the heroic efforts that ensured this extraordinary tradition would continue. Weaved throughout are fascinating stories about the spies, scribes, illuminators, librarians, booksellers, authors, and statesmen whose rich and sometimes complicated engagement with the written word bears remarkable similarities to the world today: Aristophanes and the censorship of the humorists, Sappho and the empowerment of women's voices, Seneca and the problem of a post-truth world. Vallejo takes us to mountainous landscapes and the roaring sea, to the capitals where culture flourished and the furthest reaches where knowledge found refuge in chaotic times. In this sweeping tour of the history of books, the wonder of the ancient world comes alive and, along the way, we discover the singular power of the written word"-- From publisher.

Jardín, de Dulce María Loynaz. Madrid: Aguilar, 1951. Primera edicion . 356 pages.

You can read electronically this novel in the critical edition by Zaida Capote Cruz published in 2015 in La Habana, Cuba (Editorial Letras Cubanas), ISBN: 9789591018809. 497 pages. Internet Archive

No English translation available




Cover Art

Tengo miedo torero, de Pedro Lemebel. Buenos Aires: Seix Barral, 2002. 217 pages. ISBN: 9789507313516

Clemons Library PQ8098.22 .E57 T46 2002


My tender matador; translated by Katherine Silver. New York: Grove Press, 2003. 170 oages. ISBN: 9780802117687.

Clemons Library PQ8098.22 .E57 T46 2003

"It is spring 1986 in the city of Santiago and Augusto Pinochet is losing his grip on power. In one of the city's many poor neighborhoods, the Queen of the Corner, a hopeless and lonely romantic, embroiders linens for the wealthy and listens to boleros to drown out the gunshots and rioting in the streets. Along comes Carlos, a young, handsome man who befriends the aging homosexual and uses his house to store mysterious boxes and hold clandestine meetings. Thus begins a friendship and a love that will have unexpected though vastly different consequences for both. My Tender Matador is an extraordinary novel of revolution and forbidden love, and a stirring portrait of Chile at a historical crossroads. By turns funny and profoundly moving, Pedro Lemebel's lyrical prose offers an intimate window into the world and mind of Pinochet himself. As Carlos and the Queen negotiate their unspoken complicity and mismatched affections to the beat of the bolero and the threat of repression, Pinochet contends with revolutionary upstarts, negative world opinion, fascistic reveries, terrifying nightmares, and an endlessly chattering wife who has more respect and affection for her hair stylist than for her husband."--Jacket. 


Hispanic Heritage Month 2022

Selection of books done by Miguel Valladares (mav4n) born in Spain

Olga dies dreaming by Xochitl Gonzalez. New York : Flatiron Books, 2022. 373 pages. ISBN: 9780349726687

Clemons Library PS3607 .O56264 O44 2022

"A blazing talent debuts with the tale of a status-driven wedding planner grappling with her social ambitions, absent mother, and Puerto Rican roots, all in the wake of Hurricane María. It's 2017, and Olga and her brother, Pedro "Prieto" Acevedo, are bold-faced names in their hometown of New York. Prieto is a popular congressman representing their gentrifying Latinx neighborhood in Brooklyn while Olga is the tony wedding planner for Manhattan's powerbrokers. Despite their alluring public lives, behind closed doors things are far less rosy. Sure, Olga can orchestrate the love stories of the 1%, but she can't seem to find her own...until she meets Matteo, who forces her to confront the effects of long-held family secrets... Twenty-seven years ago, their mother, Blanca, a Young Lord-turned-radical, abandoned her children to advance a militant political cause, leaving them to be raised by their grandmother. Now, with the winds of hurricane season, Blanca has come barreling back into their lives. Set against the backdrop of New York City in the months surrounding the most devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico's history, Xochitl Gonzalez's Olga Dies Dreaming is a story that examines political corruption, familial strife and the very notion of the American dream-all while asking what it really means to weather a storm"--

Cover Art

Neruda on the park : a novel by Cleyvis Natera. New York : Ballantine Books, 2022. 324 pages. ISBN: 9780593358481

Clemons library PS3614 .A84 N47 2022

"An exhilarating debut novel about members of a Dominican family in New York City who take radically different paths when faced with encroaching gentrification, for readers of Such a Fun Age and Dominicana. The Guerreros have lived in Nothar Park, a predominantly Dominican part of the city, for over twenty years. When the crash of a wrecking ball signals the demolition of an old neighboring tenement, Eusebia, an elder of the community, quietly devises an increasingly dangerous series of schemes to stop construction of the luxury condos that will take their place. Meanwhile Eusebia's daughter, Luz, a rising associate at a top Manhattan law firm, strives to live the bougie lifestyle her parents worked hard to give her. While her father, Vladimir, secretly designs their retirement home in the Dominican Republic and Eusebia begins masterminding a neighborhood crime ring to save their homes, Luz is wholly distracted with a sweltering romance with the white, handsome developer of the company her mother so vehemently opposes. And when mother and daughter collide, at odds on what it means to save their community, tensions ramp up in Nothar Park, and build toward a near fatal climax. A fierce meditation on race, class, and community, with the propulsive force and poignant take on trenchant modern issues, Neruda on the Park weaves a rich and vivid tapestry of family, community, and Afro-Latinx culture, announcing Cleyvis Natera as an electrifying debut novelist"--


Brown neon: essays  by Raquel Gutiérrez. Minneapolis : Coffee House Press, 2022. 212 pages. ISBN: 9781566896375

Clemons library: on order coming very soon


Section I: Llorando por tu amor. On making butch family: an intertextual dialogue -- A butch in the desert -- Stuck in the adobe --

Section II: Difficult terrains. Do migrants dream of blue barrels? -- Behind the barrier: resisting the border wall prototypes as land art -- Art in the time of art-washing --

Section III: La mano obra. Vessel among vessels: Laura Aguilar's body in landscape -- Memories of the skin: Shizu Saldamando's portraits -- Do I really love San Anto? -- Baby themme anthems: the werq of Sebastian Hernández.

  "Part butch memoir, part ekphrastic travel diary, part queer family tree, Raquel Gutiérrez's debut essay collection Brown Neon gleans insight from the sediment of land and relationships. For Gutierrez, terrain is essential to understanding that no story, no matter how personal, is separate from the space where it unfolds. Whether contemplating the value of adobe as both vernacular architecture and commodified art object, highlighting areas of transphobia among lesbians and feminists, or recalling how one of their own romances unraveled, Gutiérrez traverses complex questions of gender, class, identity, and citizenship with curiosity and nuance"--