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America History and Life Covers the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to present with records from 2,000 English-language journals published worldwide. Includes book reviews.
Search = Tuskegee and syphilis
Search = "drug regulation"
JSTOR Full-text backfiles of many important scholarly journals. Coverage is usually from the first issue to 3-5 years before the present. Advanced Search gives you more control over your search results.
Advance Search = "food preservation" AND consumers Item type = Articles
Academic Search Complete Large general database of articles from scholarly journals, as well as a few newspapers and magazines, covering a wide range of topics.
Search = "designer babies" and eugenics
US History in Context Collection of articles from over 200 journals and several hundred historical encyclopedias covering the social and political history of the U.S. Some primary source material also included. An excellent resource for getting an overview of a topic or issue
Search = forced sterilization
America's Historical Newspapers, 1690-1922 Searchable full text collection of U.S. newspapers from the colonial period to the early 20th century. But also Includes substantial 20th century coverage for the New Orleans "Times-Picayune" (1837-1988), Cleveland "Plain Dealer" (1923-1991), and Portland "Oregonian" (1907-1987). Can limit by place.
Search = immigrants AND eugenics Date Range = 1913-1925
ProQuest Historical Newspapers New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Defender, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Norfolk Journal and Guide, Pittsburgh Courier, NY Amsterdam News, Baltimore Afro-American, and Washington Post.
Advanced Search: NY Times Search = Scopes AND trial
Date Range = 1925 to 1925 Document Type = Articles
Ethnic NewsWatch Full-text of newspaper, magazine, and journal articles from 200 ethnic, minority, and native publications in the U.S. Coverage back to 1959.
Advanced Search = "Bell Curve" Ethnic Group = African American
LexisNexis Academic News and business information from sources around the world. Includes many newspapers. Coverage usually does not begin before the mid-1980's.
Search by Content Type: All News Search = "intelligent design" schools
Periodicals Archive Online Search the full text of nearly 400 international humanities and social sciences journals published from 1770 to the 1990's.
Advanced Search = Tuskegee AND syphilis Document Type = Article
American Periodicals Series Full text of over 1,000 magazines and journals published in the U.S. between 1740 and 1940.
Advanced Search = race AND eugenics Document Type = Article
ProQuest Congressional Full-text information by and about the U.S. Congress, including testimony from Congressional hearings,legislative histories of laws, reports, and biographical information on members.
[Add a row] Search = "Immigration Act" AND eugenics
Date is Between = Jan 1, 1923 and Dec 31, 1924
Google Image Introduced in 2001, Google Image allows users to search the web for image content.
Search = Scopes trial