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Distinguished Majors Seminar

Fall 2017


  • What is a recall?  How do I request a recall of a book?

  • How do I place an interlibrary loan request?

  • What is HathiTrust, and what is it useful for?  How can I eliminate HathiTrust records (and other ebook records) in Virgo to focus on print books?

  • Why are there so many databases for finding scholarly articles?  How are they similar or different?  Which one(s) should I use?

  • I found a citation for a source that seems helpful.  What’s the fastest way to track it down?

  • How can I identify the most significant / highly cited scholarship on a topic?

  • I found a great source!  How can I find other sources that cite it?

  • What tools are available for organizing my citations and articles?