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DK History: Russia, Soviet Union, Former Soviet Republics, Poland
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A -- General Works, Periodicals
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AC General Collections and Collected Works
AE Encyclopedias
AG Dictionaries
AP Periodicals
B -- Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
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B Philosophy (General)
BF Psychology
BJ Ethics
BL Religions, Mythology, Rationalism
BM Judaism
BP Islam, Bahaism, Theosophy
BQ Buddhism
BR Christianity
BS The Bible
BT Doctrinal Theology
BV Practical Theology
BX Christian Denominations
C -- Civilization, Archaeology, Genealogy
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CB History of Civilization
CC Archaeology
CS Genealogy
CT Biography
D -- World History
D History (General)
DA History: Great Britain
DC History: France, Andorra, Monaco
DK History: Russia, Soviet Union, Former Soviet Republics, Poland
DP History: Spain, Portugal
DS History: Asia and Middle East
DT History: Africa
E and F -- History of the Americas
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E11 - E143 History: America
E151 - E904 History: United States
F1 - F975 United States Local History
F1201 - F3799 History: Latin America and Spanish America
G -- Geography, Anthropology
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G Geography
GF Human Ecology and Anthropogeography
GN Anthropology
GR Folklore
H -- Social Sciences
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HB Economic Theory and Demography
HC Economic History and Conditions
HD Industries, Land Use, Labor
HE Transportation and Communications
HF Commerce
HG Finance
HJ Public Finance
HM Sociology
HN Social History
HQ Family, Marriage, Women
HT Communities, Classes, Races
HV Social Pathology, Public Welfare, Criminology
HX Socialism, Communism, Anarchism
J -- Political Science, Government
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JA Political Science
JC Political Theory
JK Government: United States
JN Government: Europe
K -- Law
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K Law (General)
KF Law: United States
KJ - KK Law: Europe
L -- Education
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LA History of Education
LB Education: Theory and Practice
LC Special Aspects of Education
M -- Music
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M Music
ML Literature on Music
N -- Arts, Architecture
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N Visual Arts
NA Architecture
ND Painting
NK Decorative Arts
P -- Literature
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P Philology, Linguistics
PA Literature: Latin and Greek
PG Literature: Slavic, Baltic, Albanian Languages
PJ Literature: Oriental Languages
PK Literature: Indo-Iranian Languages
PL Literature: Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
PN1 - PN1009 Literature in General
PN1993-PN1999 Motion Pictures
PN2000 - PN3307 Theater and Acting
PQ Literature: French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
PR Literature: English
PS Literature: American
PT Literature: German, Dutch, and Scandinavian
PZ Literature: Children and Young Adult
Q -- Science
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Q Science (General)
QA Mathematics
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QH Natural History and Biology
QK Botany
R -- Medicine
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R Medicine (General)
RA Public Medicine
RC Internal Medicine
S -- Agriculture
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S Agriculture (General)
SB Plant Culture
T -- Technology, Engineering
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T Technology (General)
TA General and Civil Engineering
TH Building Construction
TJ Mechanical Engineering and Machinery
TK Electrical and Nuclear Engineering, Electronics
TL Motor Vehicles, Aeronautics, and Astronautics
U -- Military Science
V -- Naval Science
Z -- Bibliography, Library Science
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Z4 - Z659 Books, Printing and Publishing. Writing and Manuscripts
Z662 - Z1000 Libraries
Z1001-Z8999 Bibliographies
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DC History: France, Andorra, Monaco
DP History: Spain, Portugal >>