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CHE 4445 & 6445 Library Portal: Welcome

CHE 6445 Canvas Dashboard


Welcome to the CHE 4445/CHE 6445 library dashboard. The dashboard provides quick links to the resources you need to succeed in your course. Whether you are online or on-Grounds, UVA Library services and support are available to all students. 

Your Librarian

Your Librarian: Shannon McCullough

Connect with the Shannon for help with your assignments. This service is available to all UVA students, and meeting with a librarian early in your research process can help you save time and improve your grade. Shannon can help with: research skills, data management, citation management, research tools and databases, and literature reviews and systematic reviews. She can meet with you in-person or online via Zoom.

Ask a Librarian

Sign Up for Library events

Sign up for Library orientations, workshops, and events with our online calendar. UVA Library programming is offered in-person and online.

Required Reading

Recommended Readings

Downloading E-Books

It is useful to be aware of how often you download large amounts of data/content like these E-books. My recommendation would be to download the PDF of the ebook (and save it) when you access the site for the first time. That way you can just access it offline. If you open the PDF in your browser it counts as a download even if you close the tab. We have had issues with downloading the ebooks multiple times in a short time period. 

A download suspension can happen when you download a large amount in a short time period. The suspension is temporary and lasts 120 minutes. The main reason for the usage limits is to minimize the potential for illegally downloading large amounts of data/content. Most of our library vendors and platforms enforce usage limits.

We also recommend turning on your VPN before downloading from off-Grounds. For more information please visit the ITS VPN instructions page.