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HIUS 1501: Coming of Age in the 19th C. U.S.

Searching Virgo

Introductory/Background Information

Subject encyclopedias can provide detailed and authoritative background information that can help you to begin your research. The articles can define terms, give an overview of a topic and suggest directions for narrowing your research. They can also provide bibliographies of books and articles for more in-depth research.

Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society: A Social and Cultural History in U.S. History in Context. Not the best interface, but good introductory ssays, including bibliographies.

Boyhbood in America: an Encyclopedia. 2001. 2 volumes. Historical overviews of related topics. (Alas, there is no corresponding encyclopedia of Girlhood in America!) Shannon Circulating Collection. HQ 775. B635 2001.

Finding Scholarly Articles

America History and Life  Covers the history of the United States and Canada from prehistory to present with records from 2,000 English-language journals published worldwide. Includes book reviews.

                                             Search = coming of age    Historical Period = 1860-1877

JSTOR  Full-text backfiles of many important scholarly journals. Coverage is usually from the first issue to 3-5 years before the present. Advanced Search gives you more control over your search results.

                      Advance Search = coming of age AND nineteenth century  Item Type = articles      Publication Date Range = 1980-2000

Google Scholar A useful free index to scholarly literature. "Cited by" can show more recent articles that have used a source of interest. "Related articles" also provides links to additional sources. In Settings, you can create "access links" for the University of Virginia Library (Find@UVA).

US History in Context  Collection of articles from over 200 journals and several hundred historical encyclopedias covering the social and political history of the U.S. Some primary source material also included. An excellent resource for getting an overview of a topic or issue

                                                                Search = childhood

Project Muse Full-text articles from humanities and social science journals, in some ways updating content found in JSTOR. A good database for articles related to gender studies and social history.

SocIndex with Fulltext
 Can search by specific time periods as keywords (ex., childhood AND Nineteenth Century).

Women's Studies International Find articles related to women's experience during all historical periods. Can use wildcard or truncate similar to Historical Abstracts, but there is no way to limit to historical period except by keyword search (ex., domestic violence and nineteenth century).   


Finding Books and Other Primary Sources

VIRGO-- The U.Va. Library Catalog 

Keyword search should be "Google-like," just enter whatever terms you want; no need for connectors like and.
Will search the title, author's name or description of the item.

There are also some Subject terms that indicate primary source materials: 

Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc.
Personal narratives (used in relation to specific events only) 
Songs and music
Speeches, addresses, etc.*

*Used with individuals' names,classes of persons (e.g., soldiers), and organizations.

Google Books Searches the full text of thousands of books. If used in conjunction with full text search of a book, can get most of the text of a book. 

North American Women's Letters and Diaries  Searchable full text database of American and Canadian women's letters and diaries written from the Colonial period through 1950.

Proquest Congressional Publications Searchable, full text collection of U.S. government documents, including treaties, laws, and Congressional reports. Use Advanced Search, and notice date coverage for different types of documents.


Historical Newspapers and Magazines

America's Historical Newspapers, 1690-1922  Searchable full text collection of U.S. newspapers from the colonial period to the early 20th century. But also Includes substantial  20th century coverage for the New Orleans "Times-Picayune" (1837-1988), Cleveland "Plain Dealer" (1923-1991), and Portland "Oregonian" (1907-1987). Can limit by place.

                                           Search = Titanic       Date Range = 4/12/1912 - 12/31/1912

 Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers  Searchable full text and page images of several hundred U.S. newspapers from the 19th century. You can limit your search to particular states or cities.
                                           Search = financial panic           Limit by Date = 1893-1896

ProQuest Historical Newspapers  New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Defender, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Norfolk Journal and Guide, Pittsburgh Courier, NY Amsterdam News, Baltimore Afro-American, and Washington Post.

                           Los Angeles Times:    Advance Search =  San Francisco AND earthquake
Date Range = April 18, 1906 - May 1, 1906

 ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Black Newspapers  A subset of the larger ProQuest Historical Newspapers, this is acollection of several prominent black newspapers including the Chicago Defender, Norfolk Journal and Guide, Pittsburgh Courier, Baltimore Afro-American, and NY Amsterdam News

Periodicals Archive Online  Search the full text of nearly 400 international humanities and social sciences journals published from 1770 to the 1990's.

                                                      Search = "atomic bomb"  and "civil defense"

American Periodicals Series  Full text of over 1,000 magazines and journals published in the U.S. between 1740 and 1940.

                                             Advance Search = "cholera epidemic"    Publication Date = 1840-1880

US Newspapers in Microform Search by state, or by state and dates, to find which newspapers we have on microfilm. 

Indexing of Virginia newspapers is spotty, but there is one index you can use: Richmond Times Dispatch and Richmond News Leader are indexed in the microfiche Freeman File Index for the period 1920's-1985 [located in the Periodicals/Microforms Room, Shannon 3rd Floor.  Staff there can assist you.]  The Freeman Index is online for the period between the 1940's-1985 at  


Google Image  Introduced in  2001, Google Image allows users to search the web for image content.

                                     Search = Titanic wreck