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IPUMS International (PPIRS Int'l Data Webinar)

Research Guide associated with PPIRS International Data Workshop Session 2: IPUMS International.

Tricky Things to Be Aware Of

Here are some tricky things to be aware of, and to mention to patrons when you are helping them:

  • Some samples are weighted.  Tell patrons to pay attention to the weights.
  • Not all samples contain the full universe of the national population.  For example, groups such as migrants and indigenous peoples might be excluded or under-represented.  Tell patrons to review sample notes.
  • Examine the documentation - syntax labels do not tell the whole story. Especially read the comparability section for your variables, and possibly also the enumeration text as well. Tell patrons to read the variable documentation.
  • Researchers wanting to do research on households will need to pay attention to the structure of the data. Tell researchers on households to read the documentation on how to do that properly.

Getting Help

IPUMS International has an extensive FAQ.

Even more helpful is the IPUMS International Forum.  You can ask your question there, and it looks like IPUMS staff are active about answering.

Other Items of Interest

IPUMS International Research Data Enclave available to researchers who need access to confidential information.  Researchers must go to the University of Minnesota to access.

Fertility, Mortality, and Migration records are also available for select countries and years.  These don't fit into the usual data structure so you have to download those seperately.

IPUMS-Intl also offers geographic variables for mapping in a GIS.