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The Daily Progress - Digital Edition

The Daily Progress


Read the Daily Progress Online: 1893-1964

The digital edition of the Daily Progress is a collaborative project of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library and the University of Virginia Libraries in honor of Charlottesville's 250th anniversary. The digital edition covers 1893 to 1964. 

Navigating this collection

The collection can be searched by date, written numerically or in text. 

For example, to find the issues for a given date, you can enter the date in the search box:

Because the year, month, and day appear in the title for each issue, you can also search based on those words:

Other ways to read the Daily Progress:

Historic editions: 

1892-2018: Use microfilm: request film from Ivy. Microform scanners/readers are available in Shannon Library, Room 130. 

1892-present: Read original copies in Special Collections

Current (since 2008 online and past year in print):

Approximately most recent 6-12 months: Read recent in print at JMRL, in Shannon Library's Reference Room, or at the Health Sciences or Law Library

2008-present: Read articles online via UVA Library. Community patrons, alumni, and other visitors need to be on UVA guest wifi or on a library computer to access these online resources. 

Known missing issues:

1893, 1894 - September - some missing issues
1909 - July 1-July 2
1912 - September 8
1913 - January 2
1915 - July - December
1916 - July 10, August 8, September 2
1917 - April 20, May 18
1918 - July 20, August 2, October 26, November 23
1919 - February 27, August 30
1920 - August 9, November 27
1921 - January 10, May 7
1950s - No issue on Sundays

If you discover other missing issues, or find any other problems, you can report errors to Virgo Feedback or contact the Librarian shown on this page. 

Condition of the Collection

This online version of the Daily Progress was created from microfilm. In many cases, this microfilm is in very bad condition. Often the original newspapers themselves are in bad condition as well. This online version has been reviewed for scanning quality and we believe the digital images are as clear as they can be, given these constraints. The original microfilm can be requested from Ivy; microfilm readers/scanners are in Shannon Library.