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MDST 4510 - AI and Society (Sloane S24): Welcome


Welcome to the MDST 4510 library dashboard. This dashboard provides links to a selection of resources that will be helpful in conducting research. Whether you are online or on-Grounds, UVA Library services and support are available to all students. 

Your Librarian

Your Librarian is Erin Pappas

Each school/department at UVA is assigned a research librarian. Connect with Erin for help with your assignments. This service is available to all students. Meeting with a librarian early in your research process can help you save time and research more efficiently. 

Erin can help with: locating academic sources, brainstorming research topics, developing search strategies, capstone/thesis/dissertation planning, identifying relevant databases/journals for your research and literature reviews, and citation management. Meetings take place online via Zoom, but can also be arranged for in-person.


Search Virgo

Virgo is the Library catalog, where you can find books, articles, and more. 

Searches materials that UVA owns and has access to. This means books and e-books, journal articles, films, images, and some primary sources. Advanced search will give you more specificity and fine-tuning. 

When you find a citation in a bibliography or referenced in another work, you can look for the full text in the following places: 

Virgo - Generally books and articles; only those UVA library owns

Google Scholar - Good for tracking down PDFs and chapters

Open web search - Install LibKeyNomad to surface full-text

If none of these options take you to the book or article, you can always email Erin, or try Interlibrary Loan.

Searching Virgo - Keywords and Subject Headings

Tip: Start with keyword searching until you find some good results. Then use the item record in Virgo to narrow down subject headings. This isn’t an exact science, but it is a good starting place. It can also help you to get a sense of what kinds of materials are out there, and how they categorize your subject.

Research Methods

Ask a Librarian

Search for academic articles

Academic databases contain peer-reviewed articles, dissertations, reviews, reports, and more.

These selected databases provide an entry point into core disciplines relevant to AI, Media Studies, and society. 

Reference materials

Policy and NGOs

Find and use data