Date: Friday 28 August 2015
Introduction. My role as Librarian for the Anthropology Department: maintain contact with the grduate students, undergraduates, and faculty, do training and instruction, make purchase requests, develop bibliographies, and perform other related services.
TODAY: --Point to resources. Follow along with me up front or on your own computer
--Encourage to ask questions as go along, or arise, even general questions --email me,
But first, let's go on a Tour of Shannon Library. 4th floor - Reference room, Desk for help and checkout, Scholars Lab 3rd Floor for current periodicals, Government Docs and microfiche, graduate study and meeting room 2nd Floor McGregor (Harry Potter) room and Asia Studies Room [1M New Stacks = GNs. Most Anthropology books' call numbers start with GN, eg. GN24, GN29, GN, etc. and are located on Shannon 1M New Stacks A list of Anthropology call numbers.
A word about Print reference resources - encyclopedias, journals, monographs The Library Catalog - VIRGO. (Bring up home page and VIRGO)
--This is a gateway to more than just catalog of books and articles, also databases; Hours, Maps, Subject Guides
VIRGO catalog - click on "Type in a keyword and you will get results for books (catalog) and articles. Click on "See all catalog results" --Click on one book title to see all its information Notice hot-linked Related Subjects, Names You can email, star or mark, exporting to RefWorks, Print (Don't do it, right now in class), etc. --Search Articles and click on one article title to see all its information --The Light Blue line at the top-- VIRGO Classic, Course Reserves Go to VIRGO Classic Red Line or click on My Account in VIGO (below) If in VIRGO Classic, look at top Red Line - Services (Renew items), Requests for Interlibrary services, and Purchase If in VIRGO's My Account - see how to A) Renew Books B) Make Interlibrary Loan Requests or C) Request a purchase of a book. You can also explore more in the catalog; looking at a title make sure to look at the left column for further options and links. Check the availability at the bottom, and if checked out you might click on "Request Unavailable Item" In searches try using quotes to get specific, focused seraches, eg "discourse analysis" For article searching - you can sort results in various ways (Relevancy, etc) Both the Catalog and the Atricle have Advanced Search pages, so you can search by Title, Author, Keyword, years, languages, etc. Also check out Journal Finder as a good way to see if the library has a particular journal and how you might access it. It is on the Library home page, under "Improve your research" at
Anthropology Subject Guide and Databases Back to Main Library Page and click on Research. . ., then click on Subject Guides and then Anthropology all databases and Anthropology databases
--Note about Off Grounds Access: to make access available from home/off-grounds, you will log in with Net Badge or with EZProzy or set up UVa Anywhere.
Databases - two types of 1) Full Text and 2) Citation only [3 - seomtimes a combination] Coverage - recent and moving access.
To get the actual article - click on Find@UVa and get A) full text. B) If not, click to see journal title remembering article's date and page to get the print copy. C) If UVa does not have the journal, make an InterLibrary Loan Request (takes a week or so).
A. Anthropology Plus database Search, save or add to list, print, email, cite/Export. Find@UVa
B. Other databases Go to Databases A-Z Academic Search Complete America: History and Life Anthropology Plus Bibliography of Asian Studies 1971+ Bibliography of Native North Americans Digital Dissertations Historical Abstracts [all the world but North America since 1450] MLA International Bibliography Human Relations Area Files Lexis/Nexis Academic Universe PAO: Periodicals Articles Online WorldCat: First Search (verification for ILL)
From the Library Home page and Databaeses A. Anthropology Guide and databases B. Purchase requests C. InterLibrary Services and ILS requests Eg for books, articles, dissertations, etc
RefWorks:. Access or look at Managing your Refworks
Practice time