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ENWR 2510: Writing about Identities


Getting started might be one of the most challenging things about doing research. This guide is designed to help you navigate that process from the beginning. Need to understand peer review or know what a database is? Scroll down and explore the sections below. Ready to start searching? Explore the Doing Research tab on the left side of this page. Have resources and need to get started with citations? Use the third tab on the left. If you still have questions, feel free to email me directly, set up an appointment, or use one of the other ways to get help listed in the section below.

Getting Help

Here are the top ways to get help from the UVA Library:

Ask A Librarian. We know the UVA Library can be confusing, and we are here to help! You can chat with a librarian during operating hours and see other ways to get in touch with a librarian on the Ask A Librarian page.

How Do I...? page. Access our many learning resources on the Learning Hub page to help you with your research, from choosing a topic to finding sources to citations.

Contact the subject librarian for English, Sherri Brown. Our subject specialists are experts in their disciplines and can help you find resources, choose the right database, or troubleshoot any issue.

Our FAQ may have the answer you're looking for. It is a searchable database of some of the most commonly asked questions at the UVA Library.


Need to know more about understanding databases, using Virgo, or finding a books? Start here:

What Kind of Source Do I Need? This flowchart can help you determine the appropriate type of source for your research.

Newspapers & Other News Media. Need a news source? This guide will show you how to access newspaper articles and contemporary sources. Don't forget, every UVA student can access the New York Times free of charge - instructions are in the Featured Newspaper Databases section on the home page of the guide.

Interactive Guide to Virgo. Learn more about Virgo by using hotspots to show you the key features like My Account, the search bar, and more.

Finding a Book on the Shelf. Master the art of using a call number to find a book on the shelf.

Databases 101 and Databases 102. Need a refresher? UVA has access to over 970 databases. Get acquainted with databases in these short videos.

Peer Review in 3 Minutes. Sometimes you just need a reminder about what makes a scholarly source.