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Researcher Support

Resources from UVA Library (and elsewhere at UVA) for Researchers (landing spot for link from VPR page)

Access Resources

Through the Library you have access to a wealth resources, both in print, and electronic. Print resources can all be found in the Library catalog,  Virgo. However, not all of the electronic resources are found in Virgo - in many cases, you will find that you need to search one of the many databases available. However, there are tools available which allow you to more efficiently identify the path to access materials from a publisher's website. This includes accessing the PDF for an article in a journal which we do subscribe to, or requesting a PDF via Interlibrary Loan for an article in a journal to which we do not subscribe.

Quickest path to full-text articles

  • Libkey Nomad Browser Extension - Locates subscribed or open access full-text articles when you view an article webpage, and provides access without first requiring you to enable the VPN. Prepares an ILL request for your submission if we don't have access to the article. This is usually the quickest tool to use for finding an article.

Accessing electronic resources



UVA Library Digital Humanities Center: Scholars' Lab and IATH

Funding and Grants

Citation Management

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Style Guides

Research Impact