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Global Studies portal: Instructors


Welcome to the Global Studies library portal. UVA Library offers customized resources and guidance for course design. Whether you are online or on-Grounds, UVA Library services and support are available to all instructors.

Chat with the Library

Request content for your course

Not seeing what you need in our catalog? Remember to always check our catalog first before requesting purchases.

Need additional support? Chat with our staff immediately in the box above or email the Library Reserves team at 

Learn more about our course reserves service.

Schedule library instruction

Library instruction complements your teaching and ensures your students are equipped to tackle their assignments.

Request a session using our form.

  • Unlock undergraduate research potential: Empower your students with beginner information literacy skills. We offer sessions on evaluating sources, brainstorming research projects, and primers on searching academic content through the Library. 

  • Hone upper-level undergraduate and graduate skillsets: Collaborate with your liaison librarian, ---, who provides customized sessions beyond the basics. --- offers sessions on -----------

  • Introduce cutting-edge digital media assignments: Switch up your assignment format(s). Equip your students with essential digital media skills such as podcasting and video editing/design through hands-on sessions at the Robertson Media Center in the Clemons Library.

  • Access our Special Collections and Archives: Give your students access to unique in-person sessions on primary sources and UVA/Virginia history at the Small Special Collections Library.

Reduce textbook costs

There are infinite options to customize your course with Library materials. Learn how to place requests in our catalog, Virgo, for chapter scans and video.

UVA Library supports the creation and use of Open Educational Resources (OER), which are freely available instructional materials that anyone can use, adapt, and share. Examples include textbooks, course readings, videos, quizzes, and more. OER allows instructors to customize content to meet the specific needs of a course and for students to participate in knowledge creation.  The Library's OER team can help faculty with a range of services relating to open education: discovering relevant resources, adapting existing content, creating new materials, and adopting open teaching practices.

We also encourage searching our catalog, Virgo, for Library eBooks to use in your course instead of directing students to purchase textbooks. You can search by title, subject, or methodology. Watch our tutorial on how to select Library eBooks for your course.


Can the Library buy my textbook(s) for my students?

Unfortunately, not all course texts are available as institutional e-books. We cannot purchase textbooks from Pearson, MacMillan, Cengage, and McGraw Hill. In most cases publishers refuse to sell textbook licenses to libraries as it cuts into their profit.

How much am I allowed to scan?

As a rule of thumb, the Library is generally able to scan a single chapter per book or a single article from a journal issue under fair use. View additional guidelines.

What's the best way to link Library content in my courses?

We recommend organizing your content in your weekly modules. When you link and/or upload Library content to your course you also need to adhere to copyright law. Watch our tutorial below.

Stay up to date with AI

This guide features links and information about generative AI, including ethical use, citations, considerations for use, and more.

by Meridith Wolnick

Newspapers and Current Events

New York Times  

Free online access includes full entry to the archives from 1851 to present day. Features include Spanish and Chinese editions plus hundreds of articles published in other languages. Note: you must be on grounds or have VPN enabled when initially creating your free account.

Use Factiva to find the daily edition of national and global newspapers, like the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal. Click on News Pages for today's paper. In addition to the daily edition of papers, Factiva offers full-text, from thousands of sources from all over the world, in 22 languages. 

See the Library’s guide to newspapers and other news media for other sources of news from around the world.

Embed streaming video

Add pre-designed modules

Curate datasets for teaching