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Biomedical Engineering

Libkey Nomad

You need to add the Libkey Nomad browser extension. Right now. 

It's called Libkey Nomad and it will make getting to the PDFs of materials you find while searching so. much. easier.

What it does: 

1. Using LibKey Nomad is a bit like taking a librarian with you as you surf the web: it will identify access to articles you browse, and take you to the full PDF of the article if we have access.

2. It tell's you if we have an immediate access subscription to the article. If we don't have access, it will fill out an interlibrary loan request for you, all you have to do is click submit!


Interlibrary Loan

You can get access to almost anything through Interlibrary Loan.

We borrow materials not owned by UVA Libraries from libraries worldwide for University of Virginia faculty, students, and staff. Materials that you may borrow from other libraries include articles, books, dissertations, government documents, technical reports, patents, and newspapers on microform. In some cases videos and sound recordings are also available.

All you have to do is make a request. To do so you have two options: fill out the form manually, or automatically using LibKey Nomad.

PDF articles are delivered to your account online where you can download them.