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French Studies

Provides annotated links to scholarly resources of particular interest to students & faculty researching at U.Va.



Factiva versus LexisUni Resources in French  | update September 1, 2023



  • Factiva provide access to more than 800 French sources (such as newspapers, journals,
    magazines, television, blogs, etc) published in the world.
  • Although Le Monde is not included in Factiva educational, this database includes 38 majors
    newspapers and magazines published in French language.
  • You can consult the entire list of titles included in Factiva (File in Excel format, September 1, 2023)

Nexis Univ

Factiva versus Lexis Univ:
French major newspapers and magazines.







Searching Factiva: The Basics


Click on Serach and select: Search builder
Change, Date, Region and/or language as needed.
Write your term(s) to search in the Free Text to search

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Learn more complex searching in Factiva:




How Do I Find Sources on Nexis Univ?


Nexis Uni includes over 15,000 sources, but makes it difficult to identify them. Follow these steps to identify sources included and limit to specific sources.

Click on the Menu link at the top left of the search page

Nexis Uni Menu link

Click on All Sources
Nexis All Sources selected


Go to Search Within Sources in the left panel and enter a search term
Nexis Uni search box

Nexis Uni will display a list of results.
Nexis Uni title results

  1. Click Add All These as Search Filters to limit your search to this title. You can repeat this process to search multiple titles.

  2. Click the three dot menu for more information. This includes years of coverage and how frequently a title is updated

  3. This text displays at the bottom of every page in the source list, so it may seem as though your source is archived. That icon will appear next to the title if it is archived, as shown in the example below.
    Example of archived title

Your selected source now displays in the search box at the top of the page
Source selected for search in Nexis


For more information consult the Lexis Uni help page