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Electrical & Computer Engineering

Electrical & Computer Engineering Subject Guide

Patent Searching

US Patent & Trademark Office

  • The US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal agency which serves as the national patent office and trademark registration authority for the United States

Google Patents

  • Google Patents is a search engine from Google that indexes patents and patent applications

  • Lens serves global patent and scholarly knowledge as a public good to inform science and technology enabled problem solving. No account required.


These sites help to explain many aspects of copyright and intellectual property rights management.  Please check with a librarian for more information -- or consult the University's Office of General Counsel for more detailed information.

Searching for Patents

Patents are a record of the technological inventiveness and commercial activities of a nation.  They are of essential interest of many engineers and scientists, particularly those in academe who may develop new products and processes and who wish to protect their intellectual property or inventions.

There are many online resources for researching patent information.  A few major ones are listed below.  For more in-depth searching or if you are looking for an obscure patent or trademark, please consult with a librarian for assistance.  You may also find the Patent Information LibGuide from the Government Information Resources department in Shannon Library of use.

You may also wish to consult with the patent and intellectual property experts in the UVA Innovation office about questions relating to patenting or licensing an invention.

The Intellogist website also provides an excellent interactive patent coverage map that allows you to identify which databases cover full-text and other patent information for a given country.


Patent Tutorials

Use the online tutorials below to learn more about patents and trademarks and how to search for them.