This is the official printed record of all Congressional debates. Digitized versions can be found online from LexisNexis (link above) and Hein Online (select “U.S. Congressional Documents” when searching). Print and microform versions can be located using Virgo.
LexisNexis Academic provides access to all US Supreme Court Decisions - United States Reports. Also available in HeinOnline ( District and state court decisions are held in print at the Law School Library. Alderman, Gov Docs - 3New - Ju 6.8:
Contains a variety of papers from Presidents (Wilson, Kennedy, Johnson, Truman, and Roosevelt) in the twentieth century. A good source for topics related to crime and politics or the federal government’s response to illegal activity.
Searchable collection of over 70,000 scanned declassified U.S. documents from the 1940s to the 1970s taken from presidential libraries, the CIA, the FBI and other agencies. Covers the Cold War, Vietnam, the civil rights movement and other events.
Lists nearly 225,000 law review articles, with searchable full text and page images. Also, inlcludes many federal government resources - Congressional Record, US Reports, Federal Register, etc.
This searchable database contains a number of primary resources related to the historical experiences of a variety of Americans, especially minority groups and women.
This site features links to official FBI files related to areas such as violent crime, organize crime, espionage, and famous cases and persons. Covers the most of the twentieth century.
A fantastic resource for digital versions of reports published by the US Department of Justice. These reports cover all areas of crime, incarceration, victimization, federal and state policy, and the judicial system.