The Bloomsbury Cultural History series takes a topic and looks at it through the ages from antiquity to modernity. We have access to some volumes of possible interest online and others in print format. Here are a few that might be of interest:
This guide is intended to provide ideas on where to conduct recent research into environmental humanities as well as possible avenues for your conference talk areas of interest. If you would like personalized research help, please email me your questions and/or set up a time to meet with me either in person or on Zoom. You can schedule an appointment with me on Zoom by clicking the button in my information box to the left, by selecting a day/time on my Make an Appointment page, or by contacting me directly at If you would prefer to meet in person, please email me and we'll find a mutually agreeable time.
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There are many more primary source collections online available for your research. See the English Language & Literature guide Primary Sources page for more examples or talk with Sherri for help in identifying other possible collections of interest.
Virgo, the UVA Library’s primary search tool, contains catalog records for books, print journals, DVDs, maps, and digitized materials, as well as links to online articles from our rich array of subscription journals. You can search catalog materials and articles together, or view those results separately, using the facets provided to limit your results by author, format, publication period, and more. To find online content in the catalog, use Format limiters like EBook, Streaming Video, or Online to limit your catalog search results.
Example subject terms:
Below are just a few of many examples of print books and ebooks that discuss different research topics related to the environment in some way.