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ENGL 8005: Intro to the Environmental Humanities

Research guide for students in Adrienne Ghaly's ENGL 8005 class.

Research Help

This guide is intended to provide ideas on where to conduct recent research into environmental humanities as well as possible avenues for your conference talk areas of interest. If you would like personalized research help, please email me your questions and/or set up a time to meet with me either in person or on Zoom. You can schedule an appointment with me on Zoom by clicking the button in my information box to the left, by selecting a day/time on my Make an Appointment page, or by contacting me directly at If you would prefer to meet in person, please email me and we'll find a mutually agreeable time.  
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Environmental Humanities Journals

Databases for Environmental Humanities Research (or related research)

The MLA International Bibliography (MLAIB) indexes the broadest range of resources about literature in all languages, as well as film, television, and popular culture, including over 4,000 journals as well as books and dissertations. For articles not available full-text in MLA, click on “Find article @ UVa Libraries,” or look up the journal title in VIRGO.
Environment Complete includes journal articles and some books on topics such as agriculture, the ecosystem, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, law, and policy, and urban planning.
Communication & Mass Media Complete provides coverage of journals in communication, mass media, and other closely-related fields of study. It provides indexing and abstracts for more than 570 journals, and selected coverage of nearly 200 more, for a combined coverage of more than 770 titles. 
Humanities International Complete indexes over 2000 journals as well as books and other publications. Topics covered include archaeology, art, dance, drama, ethnic and women's history, literature, music, philosophy, poetry, religion. 
International Medieval Bibliography (IMB) lists articles from books and journals on any topic relating to the European Middle Ages (ca. 400-1500).

includes older issues of scholarly journals, from the start to 3-5 years ago.
Project Muse provides full-text searching of recent articles from major scholarly journals, including roughly 120 journals about literature. Like JSTOR, Project Muse is not as comprehensive as the MLAIB, but offers the advantages of full-text searching and instant access to PDFs.
Scopus is an abstract and citation database that indexes content from more than 25,000 active titles and 7,000 publishers—all rigorously vetted and selected by an independent review board.
South Asia Archive consists of books, journals, and documents from India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. Documents are in a mix of English and vernacular languages, with fifteen percent of the archive’s content comprising material written primarily in Bengali, and also including some content in Sanskrit. The archive is incredibly diverse in its reach, with materials of interest to those studying across all main areas of the humanities and social sciences. Both historical primary documents and more recent reports and publications are available. 
Depending on your area of research interest, we have hundreds more databases that could be of interest - see the Database A-Z list and talk to Sherri and Professor Ghaly for more ideas! 

Database Collections of Primary Resources

There are many more primary source collections online available for your research. See the English Language & Literature guide Primary Sources page for more examples or talk with Sherri for help in identifying other possible collections of interest. 

Finding items using Virgo

Virgo, the UVA Library’s primary search tool, contains catalog records for books, print journals, DVDs, maps, and digitized materials, as well as links to online articles from our rich array of subscription journals. You can search catalog materials and articles together, or view those results separately, using the facets provided to limit your results by author, format, publication period, and more. To find online content in the catalog, use Format limiters like EBook, Streaming Video, or Online to limit your catalog search results. 

Example subject terms:

  • Conservation of Natural Resources in Literature
  • Ecocriticism 
  • Ecology in Literature
  • Ecolinguistics
  • Environmentalism in Literature
  • Global environmental change in literature
  • Nature Conservation in Literature
  • Philosophy of Nature in Literature
  • Science news -- Moral and ethical aspects

Example E-Books of Interest

Below are just a few of many examples of print books and ebooks that discuss different research topics related to the environment  in some way.