Search the UVAToday news site for how information about the Living Wage campaign was reported by the University online. A quick search for "living wage" brought up articles dating as far back at 2006.
VIRGINIA Magazine, from the UVA Alumni Association, also has archival articles available online dating back to Spring 2006. Search their site for stories published in the magazine about happenings on and around grounds.
The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine allows you to look at websites from the past. Not every page of every site has been captured, and sometimes the site takes a while to load and may be somewhat glitchy, but a few examples of sites you may be interested in:
Shannon Library suite 419 houses two sets of newspaper clippings filing cabinets -- one for UVA-related newspaper articles and one for Charlottesville-related articles (known as the Local History files). Included articles (along with various other paper items) are mostly from the mid-20th-century. If you need assistance using the clippings files, ask someone at the Shannon Library 4th floor desk for assistance. Below are a list of the file folders that can be found in the two sets of clippings.
The Magazine of Albemarle County History began in 1941 and ran until 2019. Print copies of the magazine can be found in Shannon Reference. In 2020, the name of the periodical changed to the Magazine of Albemarle Charlottesville History. Print copies from 2020 and 2021 can also be found in Shannon Reference.
The database America History & Life indexes articles from these magazines back to 1985, but only 2000-2018 are available online in full-text.