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UVA GIS Resources

Geographic Information Science

GIS Educational Services

We teach GIS!  Whether it be part of our workshop series, a for-credit course, small groups or one-on-one, we help people with GIS theory, spatial analysis and data.

Every Fall and Spring Semester, the UVa Library has a GIS workshop series.  All workshops are one hour long and assume no previous GIS experience.  Generally, each session is hands-on and teaches on GIS skill or technique.  Latest offerings will be available on the GIS LibGuide.

Past offerings materials are available in our Teaching Resources section.

The GIS group provides expert instruction for professors within their classes.  We can teach spatial tools and techniques or introduce custom datasets created for individual groups and classes.  We appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with instructors to broaden students' spatial analysis horizon.

Please contact us for more information.

Esri has a large number of learning opportunities through onsite instruction to online courses.  Through our Esri enterprise site license, UVa affiliates have access to a large number of free online courses.  Click here to view the online offerings.

Esri resources are accessed through your ArcGIS Online account.  More information on sighing up and using ArcGIS Online here.

UVa Courses

To learn GIS, our first and best recommendation is to take an introductory course offered through a several UVa departments.  The Departments of Environmental Sciences, Urban + Environmental Planning and the School of Engineering regularly offer GIS courses.

UVa Library Teaching Resources

The GIS group publishes online all our recent teaching materials (presentations, handouts, exercises and data).  This includes workshops, class modules and stand alone classes.  Please find those materials here.