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Latinx Literature and Culture - C19 and Beyond - English Resources

Resources mainly in English for students in Carmen Lamas' spring 2022 ENGL 8570 class.

MLA Style Manuals & Citation Help

MLA style is a popular citation style for English language and literature. Below are resources that can help you when you're formatting your bibliography and papers. Some professors (or publishers, if you are writing an article to be published) may prefer a different style, such as Chicago style, so always check before you format and submit your work. Ask a librarian if you have questions about MLA or other citation styles. 

Sample Citations in MLA Style

Scholarly Article Citation

General Format:  

Author (last name, first name). "Title of Article." Journal Title, volume number (vol. #), issue number (no. #), year, pages (pp. #-#). 

Shin, John. “Negative Dialectics in Mrs. Dalloway.” English Studies, vol. 102, no. 5, 2021, pp. 552-62.

Essay in an Edited Book

General Format: 

Essay Author (last name, first name). "Title of Essay." Title of Book Collection, edited by Name of Editor(s), Publisher, year, pages (pp. #-#). 


Saint-Amour, Paul K. "Mrs. Dalloway: Of Clocks and Clouds." A Companion to Virginia Woolf, edited by Jessica Berman,
       Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, pp. 74-94. 


Sample In-Text Citations MLA style

General in-text citation: (Author page number(s))

Example: (Shin 563). 

If I have more than one article by Shin in my Works cited, I would add part of the title (to identify which  work you are referring to): 

Example: (Shin, "Negative Dialectics," 563). 

When citing an essay from a book collection, use the essay author in the citation (not the editor(s) name(s). 

Citation after quotation:  "Here is my quotation" (cite). 

Example: According to Shin, "Woolf leaves the reader without a resolution to this competitive dialectic between private and public" (554). 

Or paraphrase of information (cite). 

Example: Clarissa's consciousness is filled with a mixture of concerns both public and private (Shin 556).