Undergraduate Student Success Librarians:
Haley Gillilan: hg4ub@virginia.edu
Cecelia Parks: cecelia@virginia.edu
The most up-to-date information about the UVA Library's response to the COVID-19 outbreak and related resources is available at this link:
While everyone is working hard to provide online courses, we also want to acknowledge that this is a stressful, confusing, anxiety-inducing time for many. For some, online classes may provide a welcome distraction from everything else going on in the world; for others, online classes may further complicate their already complicated situations. This is true for instructors, students, librarians, and staff across Grounds- everyone is trying to deal with a rapidly changing situation. In light of this, we remember we are navigating this together. We encourage students to maintain open communication with their instructors and other support folks on Grounds - we often can help, but only if we know what's going on.
If you are feeling anxious or stressed, Bethany Teachman, UVA Professor of Psychology, has some tips for dealing with your (completely natural) anxiety at this link. Highlights include: