Note: This guide for researchers located at the Mountain Lake Biological Station, is unique in that it assumes that you are located within a UVA IP range and therefore does not make use proxy links for databases. Undergraduate REU students working on site at MLBS have access to Library databases, but without needing to obtain a Netbadge certificate.
Welcome to the Mountain Lake Biological Station Library Guide
Here you can find links to many different resources across UVA libraries to support you in your coursework and research endeavors.
In this guide you will be able to access the following pages using the navigation tabs:
The New Virgo
Summer 2020, we moved from Virgo 3 to Virgo 4. The new Virgo has a ton of new capabilities like materials tabs and the ability to customize your search preferences.
If you have any questions about Virgo, feel free to use Ask-A-Librarian for support and help.
And if you have feedback, we'd love to hear it! Get in touch with the Virgo Development Team using this form.
**If you're reading this and going "I have no idea what Virgo is - I'M DOOMED!" that's okay! Virgo is the name of the UVA Library catalog. It's the giant search bar at the top of the Library's website and keeps track of everything we own in print and many of the things we have access to online. If you need a book, a journal, newspaper, tv show, whatever - you can always check to see if we already have it in the collection with Virgo.
Virgo at MLBS
At MLBS you have access to all that UVA libraries have to offer, which you can search through Virgo as well as our database subscriptions. Through Virgo, you can also find the Mountain Lake Library catalog, a collection within UVA which contains many great resources and is more focused on MLBS research needs. You can search that collection through the "Mountain Lake Library Catalog" tab.