We're already seeing a lot of misinformation about Russia's invasion of the Ukraine. Social media is being exploited to ensure that misinformation is spread and it can be hard to recognize.
Remember as you're seeing posts across social media - you need to vet every source. Especially if you discover or the algorithms show you posts by accounts that you're not familiar with.
There are a few common things to watch out for - we've pulled these from the excellent work of Abbie Richards @abbiesr on Instagram and @tofology on TikTok and we'll update with any new trends that we find.
(Updated: February 25th, 2022)
Look we know - traditional media isn't the first place that many of us go and they're often not a part of our social media feeds. But with any breaking news or crisis, they're the best sources for vetted information. And here are a few of our favorites to check.
From their about page "The Kyiv Independent is Ukraine’s English-language media outlet, created by journalists who were fired from the Kyiv Post for defending editorial independence."
This will be updated as new rumors emerge so you can check back to stay updated and check anything that you see online.
The Daily - The New York Times
Abbie Richards - TikTok Disinformation Researcher
V Spehar - Reporter, #Underthedesknews offers 60 second daily wrap ups of current events, political analysis, and special interest stories “explained”.