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Library resources for anthropology


2019 Religious Studies Orientation

Religious Studies Library Resources
for new graduate students 2019

Session - Shannon Library, Room 421
University of Virginia Library
Graduates' session.
Monday, August 26, 2019. 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
No. attending:
__ 10 ____
Presentation by
 Keith Weimer
with Philip McEldowney

Quick appitizers -- A. Finding material - the Three easy - Shannon Library with our catalog, the world catalog, databases
WAIT! Shannon library will soon be closed for Renovation. See all about it at Renovation. Books will be removed by the end of November 2019. Spring 2023: Shannon Library re-opens no later than Spring 2023!
LEO for graduate students - Beginning Fall 2019 (now! Link coming soon), the library will be pulling requested items from the stacks for grad students and delivering them to departments that have or have created a suitable space for their graduate students mail boxes, or to a library of the grad student’s choosing.
B. And the Three beyond - for Graduate Students - Inter Library Loan, purchase requests, consult the librarians
C. Collect, organize, write - citations management and bibliographies through Zotero
D. Help - chat, text, phone. And now - the Entres -

I Library Home Page Orientation. II Library Catalog (New VIRGO). III ATLA Religion Database. IV Religious Studies Library Guide. V. Contacts in the Library.

I. Library Home Page Orientation (

  • A. The Catalog (Virgo) search box at the top
  • B. Scroll down to bottom: dark blue line: Have Questions? Need Help? Three ways to contact us: click on "Chat Now" and also see about a variety of our services.
  • C. See also at the bottom of the page in the far left column, links to library Hours and Staff Directory.
  • D. In the Using the Library column click on "Off-Grounds Access". Read about EZProxy and UVA Anywhere.

II. Library Catalog (Virgo)

  • A. Basic keyword search. At the top of the main library page type into the serch box Islam pilgrimage, and then "search." Note two columns, Catalog Results and Article Results. Over 219 catalog hits, articles 28,000. Both sorted by relevancy. In the left column click on see all catalog results. Now in the left column are search limiters. Under "Library" click on "Shannon", then "English" under "Language". Now there are about 80 hits. Scroll down to number 23, "Islamic Contestations". You see that besides the word you enter, this system will retrieve items with other words beginning with the letters in your word ("stemming').
  • B. Record view. Click on "Islamic Constestations" to see more information. What you see is not the full record. To see everything, click on "See More." So you will always see the full record for the rest of your computer session, click now on "Always show full record." The menu under "Item Actions" at the top of the record includes email, text message, and various export options.
  • C. Availability. At the bottom of the record you see this book is "checked out". To recall the book, click on "Request Unavailable Item". A green bar appears, and you must "sign in with NetBadge." [Don't actually do this.] When you sign in, you would be prompted to specify where you want to pick up the book, and then the recall is placed.
  • D. Phrase keyword search: You want to do a completely new search, so click on the blue "start over" button at the top to the left of the star. [If you wanted to retain the two search limiters you added for the previous search and continue to search the catalog only, you would instead click on "return to search results".] Now you want to search "pure land Buddhism" as a phrase, i.e. you want only those three keywords side by side in that order. Leave setting at "Catalog + Articles" and search "pure land Buddhism" in quotes as a keyword search. About 315 catalog hits, over 1,800 rticles.
  • E. Catalog Advanced Search offers more options for focused, more precise searching, e.g. searching by author and/or title. Click on "Catalog Advanced Search" at upper right. Another example: You want books on atheism published since Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion" in 2006. Type atheism in subject box, and under "date published" type 2006 in "start" and 2019 in "end." "Search" and you get over 170 hits. "Limit results by" in the left column and "Refine search" at the upper right allow you to focus your results even more.
  • F. Article results in Virgo.Limited to online articles from sources to which the library subscribes. Interdisciplinary. Perhaps a good place to start looking for articles, but as your work on a topic progresses, you will need to search more comprehensive subject-specific databases as well.
  • G. Article Advanced Search can be very useful for the half-remembered article citation. Click on this link in the upper right. Say you are looking for an article you know someone named Rorem wrote about Augustine, Luther, and spirituality. Type Rorem in author box, Augustine Luther spirituality in title box,and the record you want appears. Click on "access online" under the title, then "pdf full text" in the left column, and you have the full text.
  • H. Journal Finder is a good way to see if the library has a particular journal and how much of it is available online. Click on the University of Virginia Library logo to return to the library home page and scroll down under Research and click on the "Journal Finder" In the E-journals only box change "journal title contains" to "journal title begins with" and search Christianity Today. The results give you several ways to access this title full text. Be sure to note which years are available with each choice.
  • I. Requests. Go back to the Library icon, and go to Services, or My Account.  Click on "sign in." Use your NetBadge login and "sign in" to  "my account." Under that link you will find links to services like renewals, interlibrary loan, and purchase requests.

III. ATLA Religion Database (focus on finding articles, not books) Back to the top

  • A. Click the University of Virginia Library to return to the library home page(, then "Databases A to Z" under "Improve Your Research". On the A screen which appears scroll down to ATLA Religion Database.
  • B. General Description of ATLA Religion Database: indexes journal articles, articles in books, book reviews, books, dissertations. Some links to the full text of journal articles, including some titles for which we have no paper subscription. The most current years of some titles are not immediately available in full text. Coverage back to 1949 or for some journals, back into the 19th century.
  • C. When you click on the link the Advanced Search window opens. Keyword search: In first box type: Jew* theology Holocaust. Search in (TI) Title field. When you place a * (wildcard) at the end of a word, you are searching for all words beginning with those letters in one search. Over 50 records. Note just above the results that relevance sort is the default sort. Note also that in the left column you can "Refine your results" in various ways.
  • D. Scroll down, noting many links to full text. View no. 33 (From Holocaust to Solidarity…). "Publication type" is "periodical", i.e. journal article. No link to full text, so click on Find@UVA in the left column. "Sorry, we don't have access to this article online", so you must "Search VIRGO for print" by journal title. The year you need of Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations is not in Virgo, but interlibrary loan can obtain a pdf of it for you. Go back and click on the "From Holocaust to Solidarity" title, then click on the link "Get this article from another library" in the left-hand column (ILS@UVA).
  • E. Phrase and proximity searching. Click on the browser back button, then "advanced search" under the search boxes. Now "clear" and in the "limit your results" area, check "full text". Now search Thomas w1 Jefferson w5 religio* in "select a field". The w1 (within one word) allows you to search the words on either side as a phrase. The w5 (within 5 words), a technique called proximity searching, is necessary when not searching a particular field. Otherwise there is a very large number of hits, for the full text of all linked articles are searched as well as the bibliographic citations and abstracts. Using the w5, about 140 hits: without it, over 2,900.
  • F. Scripture citationh (Judaeo-Christian scriptures only, without apocryphal or deutero-canonical works). Click on “Scripture Citation or SC”, in right of the search box. Find the book of scripture you want, then click on “expand”. Use the “expand” technique to find the verse you want, then click on it and a list of results appears. (E.g. John 3: 16). Retrieved are not only records with the one verse alone, but also those that include the verse in longer passages.
  • G. Search in multiple databases. It is possible to search other Ebsco databases in combination with this one. At the top of the screen, click on "Choose databases by Subject". You can then check subject groups of Ebsco databases to add. Putting your mouse on the icon shows you the specific databases in the collection. To add individual databases to your search, click on "Detailed view" in the popup window, then "Databases A to Z" at the top of the page. Check the database(s) you want to add, then click on "Continue." (Example: add the Religion and Philosophy Collection to your search)

IV. Religious Studies Library Guide. Click on University of Virginia Libraries logo in the upper right, then "Research Guides" under "Improve Your Research". Now in the Subject Guides section click on "browse all subject guides", then click on "Religious Studies". This guide lists useful databases, with the best choices in the right column of the page. The complete database list in the lower part of the right column includes brief annotations. Put your mouse on "Instruction and Resources" tab and then click on 2019 Religious Studies Library Resources. Now you see the script of this presentation.

V.  Contact People in the Library at the University of Virginia

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Or return to the Religious Studies Subject Guide

Script originally written by George Crafts
Maintained by Philip McEldowney with Keith Weimer
Last Update - 2019 August 22
© The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia

Created on August 22, 2019