A12: The Story of Charlottesville [The Miller Center] [Episodes 1 - 6] A12 explores the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville last year, the history behind the conflict, and how the city and its people have dealt with the aftermath.
Across 30 years and an epidemic, Charlottesville’s gay and lesbian communities came out together (J. Tobias Beard) [Cville]
African Music & Dance Ensemble
Africa’s Lost Kingdoms (Howard W. French, The New York Review of Books)
“Archives Have the Power to Boost Marginalized Voices” (Dominique Luster) The Academy of Certified Archivists.
Are Jews White? The Atlantic
The Atlantic Daily: We Mourn for All We Do Not Know (Caroline Mimbs Nyce)
Author Discussion on Appalachia: Elizabeth Catte, Steven Stoll Ramp Hollow, and Wendy Welch. Virginia Festival of the Book via CSPAN.
AWAYE! ABC Radio National
Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story [PBS]
Baldwin-Buckley race debate still resonates 55 years on [PBS] Duration: 8:59
Between Friends: Your Stories about Race and Friendship [January 22, 2020 podcast from Death, Sex & Money]
Black Feminist Loretta J. Ross Combats Cancel Culture [NPR] Duration: 18:00
A Black Medic Saved Hundreds on D-Day. Was He Deprived of a Medal of Honor? [History Stories / Jesse Greenspan]
“The Black People Who Voted for Trump Know He’s Racist” [The Atlantic: John McWhorter]
Born a Girl in the Wrong Place [TED: Khadija Gbla] Duration: 18:45
A Broken Body Isn't a Broken Person [TED: Janine Shepherd] Duration: 18:57
Burnt Corks & Cakewalks: The Toxic Legacy of Blackface in American History (Dr. Rhae Lynn Barnes) [Backstory]
Can a Divided America Heal? [Jonathan Haidt, TED NYC]
Canada Reaches $31.5 Billion Deal over Indigenous Children Put in Foster Care Unnecessarily (Washinton Post: Amanda Coletta)
CBS This Morning interview with representatives from the Charlottesville community
Changing the Way We Talk about Disability [TED: Amy Oulton] Duration: 14:49
Code Switch. NPR podcast.
Color Blind or Color Brave?. TED 2014 talk.
Colorlines [ blog].
The Comedy-Destroying, Soul-Affirming Art of Hannah Gadsby. The New York Times.
Conversations With People Who Hate Me. Night Vale Presents.
The Cost of Failing to Design Accessibly [TED: Kings Floyd ] Duration: 10:32
Crossing the Divide. Tara Bahrampoor. Washington Post.
The Cure for Racism | Napoleon Wells | TEDxColumbiaSC
The Danger of Hiding Who You Are (Morgana Bailey) TED@State Street London .
The Danger of a Single Story (TEDGlobal: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie) Duration 18:34
The Danger of Silence (TED @ NYC) Clint Smith
The Death Rattle of White Supremacy: Americans need to stand together against the forces of hate (Wajahat Ali) [The Atlantic, August 4, 2019]
Debby Irving: Our Whitewashed History
Demystifying Internalized Oppression: Whiteness and Working Ourselves to Death (Travis Jones) [The Inclusion Solution]
Derek Black and Matthew Stevenson [On Being]
The Dirty Secret of Capitalism -- and a New Way Forward [TED] Nick Hanauer
Discerning Photography’s White Gaze: The three top winners of the prestigious Taylor Wessing Prize depict people of color, photographed by white photographers (Jasmine Weber) [Hyperallergic].
Disrupting Whiteness in Libraries and Librarianship: A Reading List (A bibliography from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Gender and Women’s Studies Librarian)
Do We Ask Too Much of Black Heroes? (Imani Perry; New York Times)
Dr. Jacqueline Battalora and Jane Elliott Debate White Privilege.
Don’t Know Much About History [Hit Parade podcast] Duration: 2h:00
Earshot. ABC Radio National ("documentaries about people, places and ideas, in all their diversity"). All excellent, and on a variety of issues (asylum seekers, hijab wearers, aboriginal experience, coming out, first contact stories), but this 4 part episode is a great listen "The Hidden History of Eugenics" featuring the devastating story of Charlottesville's own Carrie Buck, and the seeds of last August 11/12.
The Emotional Cost of Being a Black Woman in America [TED: Monica Johnson] Duration: 15:39
The Enlightenment's Dark Side: How the Enlightenment created modern race thinking, and why we should confront it [Slate Magazine] (Jamelle Bouie)
Epigenetics: Birth of a White Nation (The Invention of "White" People) (Philippe Matthews and Jacqueline Battalora).
Europeans invented the concept of race as we know it: Its origins can be traced to the colonization of the Americas (Anjana Cruz; Timeline)
The Faces of Racism: A History of Blackface and Minstrelsy in American Culture (Dr. Rhae Lynn Barnes) [Backstory]
Facing Change: A New Report from the American Alliance of Museums’ Working Group on DEAI. American Alliance of Museums.
Fierce DACA Opponents Meet DREAMer Family Face to Face.
Fifty Shades of White: the Long Fight against Racism in Romance Novels (Lois Beckett, The Guardian)
The Fight For Civil Rights And Freedom (TED Legacy Project: John Lewis and Bryan Stevenson) Duration: 23:39
Finding Myself in the Story of Race. TED x Fenway talk by Debby Irving.
For Many Navajos, Getting Hooked Up To The Power Grid Can Be Life-Changing [NPR ONE]
Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion at Work TeachOut [Darden School of Business] Available for free through U.Va.’s Coursera membership.
The Future of Race in America (Michelle Alexander) [TEDxColumbus]
Gabon Is First African Country Paid to Protect Its Rainforest
“The Good Men" & Misogyny (Hannah Gadsby).
Good White People [Philippe SHOCK Matthews with Dr. Jacqueline Battalora]
The Great Migration and the Power of a Single Decision (TED: Isabel Wilkerson) Duration 17:40
Greenblatt's Book Argues Growing Intolerance in the U.S. Threatens Democracy [NPR: Steve Inskeep talks to Jonathan Greenblatt] Duration: 7 minutes
Guide to Creating Accessible Presentations [Digital Library Federation]
Harlem on My Mind exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Hate Goes Viral [Self-Evident podcast, episode 9] Duration: 28:53
Helen LaFrance: Memories Duration: 34:55
The Hidden Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement [The Washington Post]
How do the poor see life? Uneducated, not stupid (Rajen Makhijani | TEDxNTU)
How Environmental Racism Shapes the US (PBS Interview with Robert Bullard) Duration: 17:28
How I Fail at Being Disabled [TED: Susan Robinson] Duration: 7:40
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race (Jay Smooth, TEDxHampshireCollege)
How Negro History Week Became Black History Month and Why It Matters Now (Veronica Chambers; The New York Times)
How Racism Makes Us Sick Duration 17:17
How the Iroquois Great Law of Peace Shaped U.S. Democracy
How to deconstruct racism, one headline at a time [TED Talk] Baratunde Thurston
How to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground [TED BCG Toronto] Julia Dhar .
How to Go Beyond Diversity and Inclusion to Community and Belonging (TED: E'Ula Green) Duration: 14:24
How to Overcome our Biases? Walk boldly toward them. (Vemā Myers) TED X Beacon Street
How to Raise a Black Son in America" (TED talk) Clint Smith.
How to Talk to a Racist: White liberals, you’re doing it all wrong (Margaret Renkl) The New York Times.
How to Talk with a White Supremacist | Simon Tam | TEDxUCR
How Twitter Helped Change The Mind Of A Westboro Baptist Church Member [Megan Phelps-Roper on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross, October 10, 2019]
I Thought I Was White Until I Learned My Mother’s Secret. The Census Helped Me Tell My Family Story. [Washington Post: Lifestyle]
I’m Mexican. Does that Change Your Assumptions about Me? [TED: Vanessa Vancour] Duration: 12:41
I’m Not Your Inspiration, Thank You Very Much (TED: Stella Young) Duration: 9:05
Inclusion, Belonging and the Disability Revolution [TED: Jennie Fenton] Duration: 23:01
Indian Boarding School Discussion: Dealing with the Trauma Today Duration: 1:02:00
Indian territory again? An old Oklahoma murder case spotlights tribal sovereignty (Simon Montlake) [Christian Science Monitor]
Indigenous In Plain Sight [TED: Gregg Deal] Duration: 13:21
Indigenous Storytelling as a Political Lens [TED: Tai Simpson] Duration: 17:37
Instagram accounts of Native/Indigenous peoples
@stevenpauljudd / @firstnationphotographer / @thundervoice_eagle / @reclaimyourpower
@mmiwhoismissing / @sagepaul
The Interim Report from the Governor’s Commission to Examine Racial Inequity in Virginia Law (November 15, 2019)
International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance [ IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism ]
Interrupters: Linguist Says It’s the Jewish Way [The Jewish News of Northern California]
An Interview with the Founders of Black Lives Matter [TEDWomen 2016: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi] Duration: 15:56
Into America [Podcast] [MSNBC: Trymaine Lee]
The Invention of Heterosexuality and the Impact of Whiteness with Dr. Jacqueline Battalora (Philippe SHOCK Matthews)
It's More Than Racism: Isabel Wilkerson Explains America's 'Caste' System [NPR Fresh Air, August 4, 2020] Duration: 38:00
It's Not a Race. Australian Broadcasting Corp. Radio National ("Race, racism, identity, culture, difference — let’s talk it out").
I've lived as a man & a woman -- here's what I learned (Paula Stone Williams) TEDxMileHigh
James Gunn’s Firing Shows We’re Still Living in the Gamergate Era. Todd VanDerWerff. Vox.
John Leguizamo: Latin History for Morons [Netflix]
Keynote: 1619 to 2021: A Black Journalist Turns the Light of Truth on the History of American Race [Nikole Hannah-Jones with Dr. Stacey Patton: 2021 DLF Forum at CLIR] Duration: 15:30
Last year, white nationalists staged a fatal race rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The location was no coincidence (Frederick Cove Heard) Scalawag Magazine
Latinos Are Not All The Same [TED: Gabriel Iglesias] Duration: 7:07
Learning the New Language of Racism:The natural human desire is to avoid and deny things that are painful (Jonathan W. Kanter, Ph.D. and Daniel C. Rosen Ph.D.) [Psychology Today].
Let’s Change The Way We Think About Disability (TED: Joel Dembe) Duration: 16:05
Liberals, You’re Not as Smart as You Think. Gerard Alexander. The New York Times.
Library of Congress: La PALABRA Archive
Library of Congress Podcasts: La Biblioteca: Season 2 : “Exploring Latinx Civil Rights in the United States” Duration: 36:39 minutes