Malcolm X at Berkeley (1963) Duration: 40:57
Mitigating Implicit Bias: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Action (Molly Higgins and Rachel Keiko Stark; American Libraries Magazine)
The Moment when Four Students Sat Down to Take a Stand (Christopher Wilson, Smithsonian Magazine, January 21, 2020)
Monumental Legacies: An Uncomfortable Guide to Race and Place in Charlottesville Duration: 1:43:46
My Descent into America's Neo-Nazi Movement & How I Got Out [TED: Christian Picciolini] Duration: 20:30
My Philosophy for a Happy Life [TED: Sam Berns] Duration: 12:44
My Road Trip through the Whitest Towns in America (TED talk by Rich Benjamin)
The Mythical Whiteness of Trump Country. Elizabeth Catte. The Boston Review.
National Archives Women’s Equality Day Conversation
Native American Culture - Language: the Key to Everything [TED: Ron (Muqsahkwat) Corn, Jr.] Duration: 11:56
Native justice: How tribal values shape Judge Abby’s court (Henry Gass, The Christian Science Monitor)
The New Puritans (Anne Applebaum) [The Atlantic] Audio also available
The N-Word in the Classroom: Just Say NO [C19 Podcast]
Not Your Model Minority [TED: Kelly Choi] Duration: 13:55
Oñate’s Foot (99% Invisible, and Reveal):
Open Educational Resources: Saginaw Valley State University [Subject Guides for Social Justice]
Our Fight for Disability Rights and Why We're Not Done Yet [TED: Judith Heumann] Duration: 21:15
The Political Power of Being a Good Neighbor (Michael Tubbs) TED 2019
The Power of Privilege: Tiffany Jana at TEDxRVAWomen
Practical Diversity: Taking Inclusion from Theory to Practice. TEDxUGA talk by Dawn Bennett-Alexander.
Putting Racism on the Table: Robin DiAngelo on White Privilege [part 1 of a 6-part series]
The Racist History of Illegal Immigration. Splinter News (Disclaimer: fact-checking not verified).
Racist History of the Word 'Caucasian'. MTV Decoded.
The Religion of Whiteness Becomes a Suicide Cult: A wounded and swaggering identity geopolitics puts the world in grave danger (New York Times) ( Pankaj Mishra).
Research says there are ways to reduce racial bias. Calling people racist isn’t one of them (German Lopez) Vox .
Retracing Slavery’s Trail of Tears: America’s Forgotten Migration – The Journeys of a Million African-Americans from the Tobacco South to the Cotton South. Edward Ball. Smithsonian Magazine.
Ruby Sales Master Class [Virginia Foundation for the Humanities]
A Saudi woman who dared to drive | Manal al-Sharif [TED talk]
Scene on Radio. Center for Documentary Studies (Season 2: "Seeing White"; Season 3: "MEN").
The scientific way to train white people to stop being racist [Wake Up / Quartz] (Katherine Kirkinis)
Seeing White. Podcast series.
So You Want to Talk about Race (Ijeoma Oluo; Talks at Google) .
A Sociologist Examines the 'White Fragility' That Prevents White Americans from Confronting Racism. Katy Waldman. New Yorker.
Speaking Out. ABC Radio National ("Politics, arts and culture from a range of indigenous perspectives").
Spirit Breaking: Capitalism and Terror in Northwest China (Adam Hunerven) .
Steven Newcomb: Decolonization starts with our minds and our words (Steven Newcomb) [YES! Magazine]
Strange Fruit Duration: 3:18
Study: racism and sexism predict support for Trump much more than economic dissatisfaction (German Lopez) Vox .
The symbols of systemic racism – and how to take away their power (Paul Rucker) TED2018
Tab Hunter: Confidential [Amazon Prime]
A Tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collided (Anand Giridharadas) TED 2015
Teaching Tolerance Interviews Robin DiAngelo: White Fragility in the Classroom
10 Native Inventions and Innovations that Changed the World (Vincent Schilling)
Theo E.J. Wilson: What Happens When A Black Man Goes Undercover In The Alt-Right? [NPR TED Talk] .
Theodore W. Allen On The Invention of the White Race, ‘White Privilege,’ and the Working Class (Jeffrey B. Perry) Black Agenda Report .
This Land [Crooked Media podcast] (Rebecca Nagle) .
“Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation : Though I am gone, I urge you to answer the highest calling of your heart and stand up for what you truly believe.” (John Lewis, New York Times/ Opinion)
Tulsa Historical Society and Museum Documents from the 1921 Race Massacre
Uniquely Human [podcast] : Autism and Personal Fulfillment with Dr. Temple Grandin Duration: 1:04:37
Unlocking Us (Brené Brown podcast) Brené with Ibram X. Kendi on How to Be an Antiracist Duration: 1:01:36
Voices of the Movement (Jonathan Capehart, The Washington Post podcast series) .
The Wages of Woke: How Robin DiAngelo Got Rich Peddling ‘White Fragility.’
We are All Connected with Nature Nixiwaka Yawanawa at TEDxHackney .
We Don't Do That Here (Aja Hammerly) .
We Need to Talk about Injustice (TED: Bryan Stevenson) Duration 23:26
A Weekend of Pain and Protest (The Daily) [podcast: 34 minutes]
What Being Hispanic and Latinx Means in the United States (TED: Fernanda Ponce) Duration: 11:50
What I am Learning from My White Grandchildren: Truths about Race. Anthony Peterson.
What I Learned Eating at 8,000 Chinese Restaurants (Zhaoyin Feng)
What It's like to be a Muslim in America (Dalia Mogahed)
"What Makes Someone Native American? One tribe’s long struggle for full recognition" (Lisa Rab) (Washington Post)
What Can We Do about the Culture of Hate (Sally Kohn) TED Talk.
What's Missing from the American Immigrant Narrative [TED: Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez] Duration: 10:53
When You Finally Told Me [NPR StoryCorps]
When Slaveowners Got Reparations [Tera W. Hunter, The New York Times] .
Which of the 11 American Nations Do You Live In. Reid Wilson. The Washington Post.
White Affirmative Action [Scene on Radio: Seeing White podcast series] Duration: 48:02
White Fragility and Whiteness as a Trauma Response [Philippe SHOCK Matthews with Dr. Robin DiAngelo, Dr. Jacqueline Battalora, and Resmaa Menakem]
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack Peggy McIntosh. An essay from Working Paper 189. White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming To See Correspondences through Work in Women's Studies (1988).
White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe [Gene Demby] NPR Code Switch: Race and Identity, Remixed (August 10, 2019)
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Nation's Divide
Who will be next? ‘One of the hardest jobs in the world,’ leading the National Congress of American Indians (Indian Country Today : Jourdan Bennett-Begaye)
Why Design Should Include Everyone [TED: Sinéad Burke] Duration: 9:49
Why Do Cartoon Villains Speak in Foreign Accents? [Isabel Fattal, Pocket Worthy / The Atlantic]
Why is Critical Race Theory the New Right-wing Bogeyman? [Bold Dominion Podcast] Duration: 29:31
Why We Need Another Coming Out Story (TED: Christine Fuston) Duration 11:01
Why You Should Not Bring Your Authentic Self to Work [TED: Jodi-Ann Burey] Duration: 15:40
Your Privilege is Showing (Lillian Medville) TEDXBeaconStreet