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Chemical Engineering Library Portal: Welcome


Welcome to the Chemical Engineering library dashboard. The dashboard provides quick links to the resources you need to succeed in your course. Whether you are online or on-Grounds, UVA Library services and support are available to all students. 

Your Librarian

Your Librarian: Shannon McCullough

Connect with Shannon for help with your assignments. This service is available to all UVA students, and meeting with a librarian early in your research process can help you save time and improve your grade. Shannon can help with: research skills, data management, citation management, research tools and databases, and literature reviews and systematic reviews. She can meet with you in-person or online via Zoom.

Ask a Librarian

Sign Up for Library events

Sign up for Library orientations, workshops, and events with our online calendar. UVA Library programming is offered in-person and online.

Search for academic articles

Academic databases contain peer-reviewed articles, scientific papers, reports, and more. These are the most used databases for chemical engineering research.

Consult handbooks

Patent Searching

US Patent & Trademark Office

  • The US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) is the federal agency which serves as the national patent office and trademark registration authority for the United States

Google Patents

  • Google Patents is a search engine from Google that indexes patents and patent applications

  • Lens serves global patent and scholarly knowledge as a public good to inform science and technology enabled problem solving. No account required.