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DRAM 2010 - Intro to Design & Technology: Welcome

Research Guide for DRAM 2010: Intro to Design and Technology taught by Mona Kasra.


Welcome to the DRAM 2010: Intro to Design and Technology library research guide. This guide provides quick links to the resources you need to succeed in your course. Whether you are online or on-Grounds, UVA Library services and support are available to all students. 

Your Librarian

Your Librarian is Amy Hunsaker

Each school/department at UVA is assigned a research librarian. Connect with Amy for help with your assignments. 

Amy can help with: Locating videos, scripts, and literature about drama, brainstorming your research topic, developing your search strategy, capstone/thesis/dissertation planning, identifying relevant databases/journals for your research and literature reviews, and citation management. Amy can meet with you in-person or online via Zoom.

Search For Resources

Virgo is the Library catalog, where you can find books, articles, and more. 

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Technology and Media Support

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