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French Studies

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Online newspapers
  • France Soir (Switched to internet only in 2011, shutdown in 2012, returned online in 2014)
  • Mediapart (Internet only, investigative journalism.. created by Edwy Plenel, former editor-in-chief of Le Monde 2008 to date)
  • La Tribune ( Founded in 1985 by Bruno Bertez. Switched to internet only since 2012, economics)
  • Slate (French version of the US magazine. Founded in 2009 by four journalists, including Jean-Marie Colombani, Eric Leser, and economist Jacques Attali.
  • Atlantico (News website. Founded in March 2011. Liberal and independent. Inspired by the American websites The Huffington Post)
  • Contrepoints (News website, founded in 2009. One of the most well-known libertarian websites in France
Free newspapers
  • 20 Minutes (Free, daily newspaper aimed at commuters in France. 2002 to date. Besides Paris, spread to 11 other urban areas of France)
  • Direct Matin (It is a free French daily newspaper. Launched in Île-de-France on February 6, 2007)


  • Challenges ( French-language weekly business magazine headquartered in Paris. 1982 to date)
  • Charlie Hebdo (Weekly satirical news magazine, left-wing. 1970 to date)
  • Courrier International (Paris-based French weekly newspaper which translates and publishes excerpts of articles from over 900 international newspapers, centre-left. 1990 to date)
  • Le Canard enchaîné (Satirical newspaper, investigative journalism, generally left-wing. 1915 to date)
  • L'Express (French weekly news magazine headquartered in Paris, centre-right. 1953 to date)
  • Le Journal du dimanche (French weekly large tabloid published on Sundays in France. news, culture, leisure. 1948 to date)
  • Le Monde Libertaire (Anarchist French newspaper and weekly organ of the Fédération Anarchiste. Founded in 1954, it is the direct successor of Le Libertaire, to which contributed personalities such as Albert Camus, Georges Brassens, Louise Michel or André Breton)
  • L'Obs (Previously known as Le Nouvel Observateur (1964–2014), is a weekly French news magazine. it is the most prominent French general information magazine in terms of audience and circulation, centre-left)
  • Le Point (Weekly political and news magazine published in Paris, conservative and right-wing stance without any political affiliation. 1972 to date)
  • Marianne (Weekly Paris-based French news magazine, left-wing, 1997 to date)
  • Minute (Weekly newspaper, initially right-wing but now far-right, circulated in France since 1962. Its editorial position is satirical and conservative)
  • Paris-Match (Weekly news magazine. It covers major national and international news along with celebrity lifestyle)
  • Télérama (Weekly French cultural and TV magazine published in Paris, France. The name is a contraction of its earlier title: Télévision-Radio-Cinéma. Fabienne Pascaud is currently editor in chief. 1947 to date)
  • VSD (Weekly news, celebrity and leisure magazine. 1977 to date)


Every four years

  • La Bougie du Sapeur (It is a humorous French newspaper launched in 1980 that prints only on Leap Day, making it the world’s least frequently published newspaper. satirical, every February 29)