The University of Virginia provides access to several statistical software packages. The list below details what we offer and how to access it. The information on this page is subject to change. Please visit Research Software Support for the most up-to-date information.
Faculty, staff and students at the University of Virginia may access MATLAB through public computers with the UVA software build on them, via the UVA Hive, or by installing MATLAB on your own computer. Visit for more information.
Faculty, staff and students at the University of Virginia may access Minitab through public computers with the UVA software build on them, via the UVA Hive, or by installing Minitab on your own computer. Note: The full version of Minitab is only available for Windows. Visit for more information. Minitab Express is available for Mac. Visit for more information.
R and RStudio are open source and free to download. To download R, visit and select the version appropriate for your operating system. Versions for Linux, Mac and Windows are available. To download RStudio, visit and select the free RStudio Desktop. Again download the version appropriate for your operating system. Support and training for R and RStudio is available through the UVA Library StatLab.
Faculty, staff and students at the University of Virginia may access SAS through public computers with the UVA software build on them, via the UVA Hive, or by installing SAS on your own computer. Visit for more information.
Faculty, staff and students at the University of Virginia may access SPSS through public computers with the UVA software build on them, via the UVA Hive, or by installing SPSS on your own computer. Visit for more information. Support and training for SPSS is available through the UVA Library StatLab.
Faculty, staff and students at the University of Virginia may access Stata through public computers with the UVA software build on them or via the UVA Hive. The University only supports 50 concurrent users. These apply to both computer labs AND The Hive usage. Users trying to access Stata may experience waiting periods for a license to open. Visit for more information. Support and training for Stata is available through the UVA Library StatLab.
The UVA Library StatLab provides free statistical consulting for students, faculty and staff engaged in research. Services include
For more information:
The Health Sciences Library provides statistical support for medical researchers: