Law School
Shannon & Online (Sometimes the online will be full text access, sometimes only indexing. VIRGO provides full text of many current Congressional publications.)
Bills - Y1.4/1-Y1.4/9
See also:
Microfiche: 1965 to present
Microfilm: 1789-1817 Senate Bills ( Micfilm S-1570) ; House Bills (Micfilm S-1571) Ivy Annex Microfiche 3 East, Shannon 1979 to present
Other Microfilm holdings - please note: The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) has microfilm for congressional bills and resolutions from the 1st through the 72nd Congress (1789-1933). This microfilm and other congressional materials on film) may be borrowed by UVA users through UVA Library Interlibrary Services.
Print- Y1.4/1-Y1.4/9, 3 new Index only (useful for historical bills) See Congressional Record, History of Bills and Resolutions section for desired session -- arranged by bill number for debates, summaries, floor action, etc. Electronic Proquest Congressional: Bills & Resolutions - 1989-present – bill tracking, 1973-present House Bills & Resolutions - 1799-1873 Senate Bills & Resolutions - 1819-1873
Legislative Histories
See also:
*Legislative History Research Guide at Georgetown
*Presidential Signing Statements Research Guide at Georgetown
*Federal Legislative History: Overview of Legislative History at UCLA
*Electronic Sources for Federal Legislative History Documents at LLSDC
Microfiche 61st - 97th Cong. - selective
Paper Cataloged separately in VIRGO – selective
Paper Cataloged separately in VIRGO - selective Electronic Proquest Congressional -1969/1970-present
House & Senate Reports & Documents (called the Serial Set when bound.)
See also:
*Serial Set Guide at LLSDC
*Read about Documents and Reports.
*GPO's Catalog of the Congressional Serial Set for the Schedule of Serial Set volumes, lising which reports & documents constitute what SS volumes.
*U.S. Congressional Serial Set Finding List (College of Wooster) lists agency publications contained within the Serial Set
Microfiche 69th -91st Cong. (v.8522 (1926)-v.12880 (1969)) (Serial Set microfiche) 91st: 2d sess (1970) to present (LN/CIS microfiche)
Paper Serial Set - Y 1.1/2: 1940s-1960s - selectively 1965-present
Microfiche 3 East, Shannon 1818-1925 (v.1-8521) - fiche of Serial Set (Proquest/LN/CIS fiche) 1978-present: microfiche, Y 1.1/3-Y 1.1/8
Print Serial Set - Y 1.1/2: 1818-1925 (v.1-8521, w/ gaps) - Ivy Stacks 1926-1960 (v.8523-12304) - Shannon Room 317 1960-current (v.12305-) - on back and East side walls, under Y 1.1/2 (Shannon 3 Old) Electronic Proquest Congressional - Full text 1789-1969 104th Congress (1995/96 to present).
Senate Executive Documents & Reports
(These are treaty related or related to nominations for federal positions).
Some included in Serial Set after 1979
Some included in Serial Set after 1979 Microfiche 1817-1969
Electronic Proquest Congressional - Full text from 1789-1969
American State Papers - 1789-1816 (predecessor to the Serial Set)
Paper Z 3.1: - Documents Stacks
Microfiche 3East, Shannon Part of the LN Serial Set fiche Paper Z - Shannon 3 New Electronic Proquest Congressional Library of Congress
Congressional Hearings (published hearings)
See also Proquest guide to searching for Hearings
Note: Hearings provided in Proquest Congressional may lack some documents.from the official printed transcripts. For complete online versions of recent hearings try the webpage of the relevant House or Senate committee or subcommittee.
Microfiche: 1947 - 1998 - LN/CIS fiche
Paper 1970 to present - Y 4
Microfiche 3 East, Shannon 1833-1946 - LN fiche 1978 to present - Y 4 Paper 1930 to present - Y 4 - 3 New Stacks comprehensively since 1950 or so
Electronic VIRGO Catalog Proquest Congressional C-Span Video Library (selected hearings)
See also House and Senate Committee web sites for recent testimony and hearings.
Unpublished House & Senate Hearings
Microfiche: 3East, Shannon House - 1833-1936 Senate - 1823-1976
Electronic Proquest Congressional - online full text - 1823-2003
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Major Studies & Reports
Microfiche & Film: 1916 to present
Electronic Proquest Congressional (2004-present) See CRS guide for access to earlier dates.
Committee Prints See useful information from GPO Access and Proquest
Microfiche: 1948-1969 - CIS Committee Prints fiche 1970 - 2002 - CIS fiche
Paper: Selective - Y 4
Microfiche 3East, Shannon 1911-1969 less comprehensive than Law's set
Paper: Selective - Y 4 Electronic Proquest Congressional FDSys (from 1997-present)
Journal of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789
Microfiche LJ .C5 -
Paper LC 4.5: Electronic Library of Congress
Congressional Debates Annals of Congress (1789-1824) Register of Debates (1924-1837) Congressional Globe (1833-1873) Congressional Record (1873-present) Appendix (included in the CR Daily edition from 1957-1976)
See also: *About the Congressional Record from Library of Congress
*"What is the Congressional Record" - White paper from Proquest.
*Guide to voting from Bowdoin College Library.
Microfiche 1789 to present
Paper 1971 - present LJ - LAW-FLOOR2 Documents Stacks
Microfiche & Microfilm 1789-1838 - Annals of Congress & Register of Debates (3East, Shannon). Paper 1789 to present - X Shannon 3 New
Bound Permanent Edition VIRGO Record for Shannon Daily CR VIRGO record for Shannon - retained until bound volume received.
Microprint - Appendix (1957-1975) Ivy Stacks
Also available via Proquest Congressional
Electronic - UVA only Proquest Congressional (1873-1997) HeinOnline (1789-current)
Electronic - free access Indexing (1994-present); Text (1989-present) FDSys: Indexing (1983-present);Text (1994-present) Library of Congress: Annals; Register...; Congressional Globe
Capitol Words – from the Sunlight Foundation is an interesting way to explore recent Congressional Records. 1995-
House Journal - the official record of the proceedings of the House.
Paper LJ - LAW-FLOOR2 Documents Stacks
Microfiche 1789-1847 - Z (3East, Shannon). Paper 1789-1952 - Serial Set (see above) 1953-1991 - XJH
Electronic Proquest Congressional FDSys search back to 1991 Library of Congress (1789-1875)
Senate Journal of Executive Proceedings
Paper 1789-1829, 1980-1996 LJ S - LAW-FLOOR2 Docs. Stacks