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Children and Young Adult Literature Research Guide


The University of Virginia Library provides access to numerous e-books on various platforms.  See the links below for more information.

Children's E-book Collections

Additional Collections of E-Books

  • Project Gutenberg
    Over 42,000 eBooks available for download or online reading in ePub and Kindle supported formats.
  • Open Library
    Searches Internet Archive eBooks as well as some eBooks from public libraries. Borrow an eBook from the growing collection of mainly 20th Century titles available now in PDF or ePub formats.
  • LibriVox
    Audiobooks from the public domain available for free download in mp3 or ogg format.
  • National Academies Press
    Over 4,000 titles on science, engineering, and medicine. Most content is in PDF form and available for free download by the chapter or full text.
  • Directory of Open Access Books
    Open access books, mostly academic in nature covering a wide range of subject areas.
  • Wikibooks
    Over 2,500 open content textbooks that anyone can edit.
    E-books in literature, reference, and verse.
  • Biodiversity Heritage Library
    Over 50,000 titles on natural history and botany digitized to preserve the literature of biodiversity.
  • RAND Reports
    Research reports on public policy issues including: health, education, national security, international affairs, law and business, the environment.
  • Gutenberg-e
    A cooperative digitization effort by the American Historical Association and Columbia University Press. Small collection of academic eBooks on historical topics.
  • Making of America (University of Michigan)
  • UC Press eBooks Collection, 1982-2004
    Topics include art, science, history, music, religion, and fiction. Over 500 titles available to the public. To view public titles, use "Browse Public Titles" option.
  • Internet Archive
  • Digital Culture Books
    Open imprint of the University of Michigan Press focusing on innovative work in new media studies and digital humanities.

This compliation is courtesy of the Metropolitan State University Library Guide on e-books.