RefWorks is a bibliographic management program similar to Zotero, EndNote and Mendeley. It enables you to:
Have you forgotten your RefWorks password?
Go to the RefWorks Login page and click on the link, "Forgot Your Log-In" and RefWorks will send you your password to your e-mail account. This service is available on weekends, too!
Want to change your account information?
Log in to RefWorks and FROM the menu bar, select TOOLS and then, select UPDATE USER INFORMATION. You can change your password as well as other information you provided.
Alumni RefWorks Accounts
Your RefWorks account will continue after you graduate, however, if it is not used within 1 year, the account will be deleted. If you have attached the full text for articles to the RefWorks record for a given citation, they will remain, however you will no longer see the Find@UVa button in RefWorks as use of this tool has to be restricted to current students, faculty, and staff due to contractual obligations. If you come to the UVA Library, you can access the full text or print version of the article if it is available. If you are affiliated with another university or organization, you will be able to use their Find@ button to access the full text they provide. If you are an alumni and you have never created a RefWorks account, you may open one, now. You will need a group code to set up your RefWorks Alumni account. Ask us for the. UVA Group Code for alumni so you can create your account. Click here for more information about RefWorks for Alumni.
Does Your Research Group Want to Share a RefWorks Account or Folder?
Use RefShare.
How does one login from off-Grounds?
Use the Group Code to login to the RefWorks page (ask us for the U.Va.Group Code for faculty and students).
At first this method only allows you to access your citations and to any articles you have attached to a RefWorks citation full text. However, when you open a browser and click on a database link, you will be allowed access through NetBadge to the databases and to the full text of the journal articles if UVA has purchased access.
A comparison of RefWorks, Mendeley, EndNote, and Zotero bibliographic software:
Which bibliographic software is best for you?