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Research, Statistics, and Evaluation in Education Research Guide

Research, Evaluation, and Statistics in Education Associations

Below is a selective list of associations in this field where you can find white papers, policy papers, conference information and more..

Resources and Information on Associations' Websites

 Professional education associations have valuable resources for your research needs such as:

  • journals*
  • white papers
  • policy papers
  • position papers
  • conference information for the association
  • conference papers
  • instructions and opportunities for authors who want to publish in the association's journals or books
  • statistics and datasets

*If the association publishes a journal(s), you may be able to access the full text of the articles from the association's web site. If not, the UVA Library will provide access either through the Journal Finder which links to the journals to which UVA subscribes.  If UVA does not subscribe to the print or online version of the journal, UVA faculty, staff and students should use the Library's Interlibrary Loan service to obtain a free PDF copy.